有没有办法使用 openpyxl 来限制字符长度?

Is there a way to limit character length using openpyxl?

有没有办法使用 openpyxl 限制列中的最大字符数?

我知道我可以打开 excel 并通过数据验证设置字符长度限制,但我想找到一种方法来放置公式或使用 python.


from openpyxl import Workbook
from openpyxl.worksheet.datavalidation import DataValidation

# Create the workbook and worksheet we'll be working with
wb = Workbook()
ws = wb.active

# Create a data-validation object with character length validation
dv = DataValidation(type="textLength",
                    formula1=15)  # 15 characters max

# Optionally set a custom error message
dv.error ='Your entry exceeds the max character length of 15 characters'
dv.errorTitle = 'String length is too long!'

# Apply the validation to a range of cells
dv.add('B1:B1048576') # This is the same as for the whole of column B

# Add the data-validation object to the worksheet
