
Convert an array of objects into a nested array of objects based on string property?

我在尝试将平面对象数组转换为基于名称 属性 的嵌套对象数组时遇到问题。

input 数组转换为类似于 desiredOutput 数组结构的最佳方法是什么?

var input = [
        name: 'foo', 
        url: '/somewhere1',
        templateUrl: 'foo.tpl.html',
        title: 'title A', 
        subtitle: 'description A' 
        name: 'foo.bar', 
        url: '/somewhere2', 
        templateUrl: 'anotherpage.tpl.html', 
        title: 'title B', 
        subtitle: 'description B' 
        name: 'buzz.fizz',
        url: '/another/place',
        templateUrl: 'hello.tpl.html',  
        title: 'title C',  
        subtitle: 'description C' 
        name: 'foo.hello.world', 
        url: '/',
        templateUrl: 'world.tpl.html',
        title: 'title D',   
        subtitle: 'description D' 

var desiredOutput = [
        name: 'foo',
        url: '/somewhere1',
        templateUrl: 'foo.tpl.html',
        data: {
            title: 'title A',
            subtitle: 'description A'
        children: [
                name: 'bar',
                url: '/somewhere2', 
                templateUrl: 'anotherpage.tpl.html',
                data: {
                    title: 'title B', 
                    subtitle: 'description B'
                name: 'hello',
                data: {},
                children: [
                        name: 'world',
                        url: '/',
                        templateUrl: 'world.tpl.html',
                        data: {
                            title: 'title D',   
                            subtitle: 'description D'
        name: 'buzz',
        data: {},
        children: [
                name: 'fizz',
                url: '/',
                templateUrl: 'world.tpl.html',
                data: {
                    title: 'title C',   
                    subtitle: 'description C'

请注意,无法保证输入数组中对象的顺序。 此代码将在 Node.js 环境中 运行,我愿意使用 lodash 等库来实现所需的输出。


此解决方案仅使用本机 JS 方法。它可以肯定地进行优化,但我将其保留原样以使其更容易跟进(或者我希望如此)。我还注意不要修改原始输入,因为 JS 通过引用传递对象。

var input = [{
  name: 'foo',
  url: '/somewhere1',
  templateUrl: 'foo.tpl.html',
  title: 'title A',
  subtitle: 'description A'
}, {
  name: 'foo.bar',
  url: '/somewhere2',
  templateUrl: 'anotherpage.tpl.html',
  title: 'title B',
  subtitle: 'description B'
}, {
  name: 'buzz.fizz',
  url: '/another/place',
  templateUrl: 'hello.tpl.html',
  title: 'title C',
  subtitle: 'description C'
}, {
  name: 'foo.hello.world',
  url: '/',
  templateUrl: 'world.tpl.html',
  title: 'title D',
  subtitle: 'description D'

// Iterate over input array elements
var desiredOutput = input.reduce(function createOuput(arr, obj) {
  var names = obj.name.split('.');
  // Copy input element object as not to modify original input
  var newObj = Object.keys(obj).filter(function skipName(key) {
    return key !== 'name';
  }).reduce(function copyObject(tempObj, key) {
    if (key.match(/url$/i)) {
      tempObj[key] = obj[key];
    else {
      tempObj.data[key] = obj[key];

    return tempObj;
  }, {name: names[names.length - 1], data: {}});

  // Build new output array with possible recursion
  buildArray(arr, names, newObj);

  return arr;
}, []);

document.write('<pre>' + JSON.stringify(desiredOutput, null, 4) + '</pre>');

// Helper function to search array element objects by name property
function findIndexByName(arr, name) {
  for (var i = 0, len = arr.length; i < len; i++) {
    if (arr[i].name === name) {
      return i;

  return -1;

// Recursive function that builds output array
function buildArray(arr, paths, obj) {
  var path = paths.shift();
  var index = findIndexByName(arr, path);

  if (paths.length) {
    if (index === -1) {
        name: path,
        children: []

      index = arr.length - 1;

    if (!Array.isArray(arr[index].children)) {
      arr[index].children = [];

    buildArray(arr[index].children, paths, obj);
  } else {

  return arr;

使用 Lodash(因为到底为什么要在没有实用程序库的情况下操作复杂数据)。这里是 the fiddle.

function formatRoute(route) {
    return _.merge(_.pick(route, ['url', 'templateUrl']), {
        name: route.name.split('.'),
        data: _.pick(route, ['title', 'subtitle']),
        children: []

function getNameLength(route) {
    return route.name.length;

function buildTree(tree, route) {
    var path = _.slice(route.name, 0, -1);

    insertAtPath(tree, path, _.merge({}, route, {
        name: _.last(route.name)

    return tree;

function insertAtPath(children, path, route) {
    var head = _.first(path);

    var match = _.find(children, function (child) {
        return child.name === head;

    if (path.length === 0) {
    else {
        if (!match) {
            match = {
                name: head,
                data: {},
                children: []

        insertAtPath(match.children, _.rest(path), route);

// Map the routes into their correct formats.
var routes = _.sortBy(_.map(input, formatRoute), getNameLength);

// Now we can reduce this well formatted array into the desired format.
var out = _.reduce(routes, buildTree, []);

它的工作原理是重塑初始输入,以便将名称拆分为数组并添加数据/子属性。然后它减少 buildTree 上的数据,它使用变异函数 ( :( ) 将当前项目插入到给定路径的 reduce 中。

奇怪的 if (!match) 部分确保添加缺失的片段,如果它们没有在初始数据集中用 URL 等明确指定

实际完成工作的最后两行可能应该在一个小函数中,它可以用一些 JSDoc 来完成。很遗憾我没有完全递归,我依靠数组变异将路由对象插入树深处。


这是我的 Lodash-based 尝试。


var tree = {};
input.forEach(o => _.set(tree, o.name, o));


    "foo": {
        "name": "foo",
        "url": "/somewhere1",
        "templateUrl": "foo.tpl.html",
        "title": "title A",
        "subtitle": "description A",
        "bar": {
            "name": "foo.bar",
            "url": "/somewhere2",
            "templateUrl": "anotherpage.tpl.html",
            "title": "title B",
            "subtitle": "description B"
        "hello": {
            "world": {
                "name": "foo.hello.world",
                "url": "/",
                "templateUrl": "world.tpl.html",
                "title": "title D",
                "subtitle": "description D"
    "buzz": {
        "fizz": {
            "name": "buzz.fizz",
            "url": "/another/place",
            "templateUrl": "hello.tpl.html",
            "title": "title C",
            "subtitle": "description C"

这实际上是令人痛苦的 so-close-yet-so-far 来自所需的输出。但是 children 的名称与 title 等其他属性一起显示为属性。


  1. 它首先需要找到 children 属性,并将它们移动到 children 属性 数组中。
  2. 然后它必须处理这样一个事实,对于长链,foo.hello.world中的hello这样的中间节点没有任何数据,所以它必须插入data: {}name 个属性。
  3. 最后,它会清理剩下的内容:将标题和副标题放在 data 属性 中,并清理仍然 fully-qualified 的所有 name


var buildChildrenRecursively = function(tree) {
  var children = _.keys(tree).filter(k => _.isObject(tree[k]));
  if (children.length > 0) {

    // Step 1 of reformatting: move children to children
    var newtree = _.omit(tree, children);
    newtree.children = children.map(k => buildChildrenRecursively(tree[k]));

    // Step 2 of reformatting: deal with long chains with missing intermediates
    children.forEach((k, i) => {
      if (_.keys(newtree.children[i]).length === 1) {
        newtree.children[i].data = {};
        newtree.children[i].name = k;

    // Step 3 of reformatting: move title/subtitle to data; keep last field in name
    newtree.children = newtree.children.map(function(obj) {
      if ('data' in obj) {
        return obj;
      var newobj = _.omit(obj, 'title,subtitle'.split(','));
      newobj.data = _.pick(obj, 'title,subtitle'.split(','));
      newobj.name = _.last(obj.name.split('.'));
      return newobj;

    return (newtree);
  return tree;

var result = buildChildrenRecursively(tree).children;


        "name": "foo",
        "url": "/somewhere1",
        "templateUrl": "foo.tpl.html",
        "children": [
                "name": "bar",
                "url": "/somewhere2",
                "templateUrl": "anotherpage.tpl.html",
                "data": {
                    "title": "title B",
                    "subtitle": "description B"
                "children": [
                        "name": "world",
                        "url": "/",
                        "templateUrl": "world.tpl.html",
                        "data": {
                            "title": "title D",
                            "subtitle": "description D"
                "data": {},
                "name": "hello"
        "data": {
            "title": "title A",
            "subtitle": "description A"
        "children": [
                "name": "fizz",
                "url": "/another/place",
                "templateUrl": "hello.tpl.html",
                "data": {
                    "title": "title C",
                    "subtitle": "description C"
        "data": {},
        "name": "buzz"



请注意,此解决方案确实使用了 lodash。此处的 JSFiddle 示例 http://jsfiddle.net/xpb75dsn/1/

var input = [
        name: 'foo',
        url: '/somewhere1',
        templateUrl: 'foo.tpl.html',
        title: 'title A',
        subtitle: 'description A'
        name: 'foo.bar',
        url: '/somewhere2',
        templateUrl: 'anotherpage.tpl.html',
        title: 'title B',
        subtitle: 'description B'
        name: 'buzz.fizz',
        url: '/another/place',
        templateUrl: 'hello.tpl.html',
        title: 'title C',
        subtitle: 'description C'
        name: 'foo.hello.world',
        url: '/',
        templateUrl: 'world.tpl.html',
        title: 'title D',
        subtitle: 'description D'

var nameList = _.sortBy(_.pluck(input, 'name'));
var structure = {};

var mapNav = function(name, navItem) {
    return {
        name : name,
        url : navItem.url,
        templateUrl : navItem.templateUrl,
        data : { title : navItem.title, subtitle : navItem.subtitle },
        children : []

_.map(nameList, function(fullPath) {
    var path = fullPath.split('.');
    var parentItem = {};
    _.forEach(path, function(subName, index) {
        var navItem = _.find(input, { name : fullPath });
        var item = mapNav(subName, navItem);
        if (index == 0) {
            structure[subName] = item;
        } else {
        parentItem = item;

var finalStructure = Object.keys(structure).map(function(key) {
    return structure[key];


这是一个完全 recursion-free 使用 lodash 的方法。当我想到 _.set_.get 有多好时,我想到了它,我意识到我可以用 children 的序列替换 object "paths"。

首先,构建一个 object/hash table,键等于 input 数组的 name 属性:

var names = _.object(_.pluck(input, 'name'));
// { foo: undefined, foo.bar: undefined, buzz.fizz: undefined, foo.hello.world: undefined }

(不要尝试 JSON.stringify 这个 object!因为它的值都是未定义的,它的计算结果是 {}…)

接下来,对每个元素应用两个转换:(1) 将标题和副标题清理为 sub-property data,以及 (2) 这有点棘手,找到所有中间值buzzfoo.hello 之类的路径在 input 中未表示,但在 children 中表示。将此 array-of-arrays 展平并按 name 字段中 . 的数量对它们进行排序。

var partial = _.flatten(
    input.map(o =>
                var newobj = _.omit(o, 'title,subtitle'.split(','));
                newobj.data = _.pick(o, 'title,subtitle'.split(','));
                return newobj;
        .map(o => {
          var parents = o.name.split('.').slice(0, -1);
          var missing =
              parents.map((val, idx) => parents.slice(0, idx + 1).join('.'))
                  .filter(name => !(name in names))
                  .map(name => {
                    return {
                      data : {},

          return missing.concat(o);
partial = _.sortBy(partial, o => o.name.split('.').length);

这段代码可能看起来令人生畏,但看到它输出的内容应该会让您相信它非常简单:它只是一个平面数组,包含原始 input 加上所有不在 input 中的中间路径,按 name 中的点数排序,每个点都有一个新的 data 字段。

        "name": "foo",
        "url": "/somewhere1",
        "templateUrl": "foo.tpl.html",
        "data": {
            "title": "title A",
            "subtitle": "description A"
        "name": "buzz",
        "data": {}
        "name": "foo.bar",
        "url": "/somewhere2",
        "templateUrl": "anotherpage.tpl.html",
        "data": {
            "title": "title B",
            "subtitle": "description B"
        "name": "buzz.fizz",
        "url": "/another/place",
        "templateUrl": "hello.tpl.html",
        "data": {
            "title": "title C",
            "subtitle": "description C"
        "name": "foo.hello",
        "data": {}
        "name": "foo.hello.world",
        "url": "/",
        "templateUrl": "world.tpl.html",
        "data": {
            "title": "title D",
            "subtitle": "description D"

我们几乎可以自由回家了。最后剩下的魔法需要存储一些全局状态。我们将遍历这个平面 partial 数组,将 name 字段替换为 _.get_.set 可以使用的包含 children 和数字索引的路径:

  • foo 被映射到 children.0
  • buzzchildren.1
  • foo.barchildren.0.children.0,等等

当我们迭代(不是递归地!)构建这个路径序列时,我们使用 _.set 将上面 partial 的每个元素注入到其适当的位置。


var name2path = {'empty' : ''};
var out = {};
partial.forEach(obj => {
  var split = obj.name.split('.');
  var par = name2path[split.slice(0, -1).join('.') || "empty"];
  var path = par + 'children.' + (_.get(out, par + 'children') || []).length;
  name2path[obj.name] = path + '.';
  _.set(out, path, obj);
out = out.children;

这个 object/hash name2path 将名称转换为 _.settable 路径:它是用一个键 empty 初始化的,迭代添加到它.在这个代码是 运行:

之后看看这个 name2path 是什么很有帮助
    "empty": "",
    "foo": "children.0.",
    "buzz": "children.1.",
    "foo.bar": "children.0.children.0.",
    "buzz.fizz": "children.1.children.0.",
    "foo.hello": "children.0.children.1.",
    "foo.hello.world": "children.0.children.1.children.0."

注意迭代如何递增索引以在 children 属性 数组中存储多个条目。


        "name": "foo",
        "url": "/somewhere1",
        "templateUrl": "foo.tpl.html",
        "data": {
            "title": "title A",
            "subtitle": "description A"
        "children": [
                "name": "foo.bar",
                "url": "/somewhere2",
                "templateUrl": "anotherpage.tpl.html",
                "data": {
                    "title": "title B",
                    "subtitle": "description B"
                "name": "foo.hello",
                "data": {},
                "children": [
                        "name": "foo.hello.world",
                        "url": "/",
                        "templateUrl": "world.tpl.html",
                        "data": {
                            "title": "title D",
                            "subtitle": "description D"
        "name": "buzz",
        "data": {},
        "children": [
                "name": "buzz.fizz",
                "url": "/another/place",
                "templateUrl": "hello.tpl.html",
                "data": {
                    "title": "title C",
                    "subtitle": "description C"

嵌入的代码段仅包含代码,没有中间 JSON 来分散您的注意力。

这比我之前提交的更好吗?我认为是这样:这里的簿记要少得多,不透明的 "busy code" 少得多,结构 high-level 多。我认为缺少递归有帮助。我认为最后的 forEach 可能会被替换为 reduce,但我没有尝试,因为算法的其余部分是如此 vector-based 和迭代,我不想发散从那个。

很抱歉把所有东西都留在了 ES6 中,我非常喜欢它:)

var input = [{
  name: 'foo',
  url: '/somewhere1',
  templateUrl: 'foo.tpl.html',
  title: 'title A',
  subtitle: 'description A'
}, {
  name: 'foo.bar',
  url: '/somewhere2',
  templateUrl: 'anotherpage.tpl.html',
  title: 'title B',
  subtitle: 'description B'
}, {
  name: 'buzz.fizz',
  url: '/another/place',
  templateUrl: 'hello.tpl.html',
  title: 'title C',
  subtitle: 'description C'
}, {
  name: 'foo.hello.world',
  url: '/',
  templateUrl: 'world.tpl.html',
  title: 'title D',
  subtitle: 'description D'

var names = _.object(_.pluck(input, 'name'));

var partial = _.flatten(
  input.map(o => {
    var newobj = _.omit(o, 'title,subtitle'.split(','));
    newobj.data = _.pick(o, 'title,subtitle'.split(','));
    return newobj;
  .map(o => {
    var parents = o.name.split('.').slice(0, -1);
    var missing =
      parents.map((val, idx) => parents.slice(0, idx + 1).join('.'))
      .filter(name => !(name in names))
      .map(name => {
        return {
          data: {},

    return missing.concat(o);
partial = _.sortBy(partial, o => o.name.split('.').length);

var name2path = {
  'empty': ''
var out = {};

partial.forEach(obj => {
  var split = obj.name.split('.');
  var par = name2path[split.slice(0, -1).join('.') || "empty"];
  var path = par + 'children.' + (_.get(out, par + 'children') || []).length;
  name2path[obj.name] = path + '.';
  _.set(out, path, obj);
out = out.children;