有没有办法在 Azure DevOps 查询中进行总估算和完成的工作?

Is there a way to total estimates and completed work in Azure DevOps queries?

我们的 Azure DevOps 项目遇到了很多问题,我们正在尝试通过项目查询和仪表板向管理团队提供相关信息。主要是它只是计算特定查询的结果数量,例如当状态在 30 天内没有改变时,阻止的项目数,当前 sprint 中的项目总数等



我想您在这里有两种不同的选择。第一个是您可以利用 new roll-up columns 并在积压视图中聚合一些此类信息。其中一些假设您的分组方式和工作项的层次结构。

Add a rollup column

  1. In the Column options dialog, choose Add a rollup column, select From quick list, and then choose from one of the options listed.
  2. Choose from the menu provided.
  • Progress bar displays progress bars based on the percentage of associated descendant work items which have been completed or closed.
  • Total number displays the sum of descendant items or the associated fields of descendant items. Totals provide a measure of the size of a Feature or Epic based on the number of its child items. For example, Count of Tasks shows the sum of all tasks that are linked to parent items. The active or closed state is ignored. Rollup column menu
  1. Remaining Work of Tasks shows the sum of Remaining Work of tasks that are linked to the parent item.

如果您想在仪表板上查看汇总的详细信息,我建议您下载 Query Tile PRO 市场扩展。假设您已经定义了一个查询:

