
How to use variables names as stored in a vector without the quotation marks?

我想创建一个循环来存储数据框中多个变量的 t 检验输出。但是当我将不同的变量存储在带引号的向量中时,这些变量不能用于 t 检验,因为它们是用引号保存的。例如,R 在循环中将第一个变量作为“variable_1”,这会产生错误,因为对于 t 检验,我需要不带引号的变量,例如t.test(variable_1 ~ 性别)。有人知道如何去掉向量中变量名称的引号吗?

variable <- c("variable_1", "variable_2", "variable_3") 
df <- data.frame(t_value=as.numeric(), 
                 p_value= as.numeric(), 
                 mean_f= as.numeric(),
                 mean_m= as.numeric())
for(v in variable){
  output <- t.test(v ~ Gender)
  values <- output[c(1,2,3,5)]
  row <- round(unlist(values, use.names = FALSE),3)
  df <- rbind(df, row)

这里有一些更改可以通过 get 运行。正如其他人指出的那样, attach 在这种情况下是一个糟糕的主意。所以我使用 mtcars 作为示例并省略了它。

其他几项更改使事情变得尽可能好。你最好在 运行 a t-test 上搜索大量关于多个变量的答案,或者只使用 @starja 或 @r2evans 答案。

variable <- c("mpg", "hp") 
df <- data.frame(t_value=as.numeric(), 
                 p_value= as.numeric(), 
                 mean_f= as.numeric(),
                 mean_m= as.numeric())

for(v in variable){
   output <- t.test(get(v) ~ am, data = mtcars)
   values <- output[c(1,2,3,5)]
   row <- round(unlist(values, use.names = FALSE), 3)
   df_row <- data.frame(t_value=row[[1]],
                        p_value= row[[3]],
                        mean_f= row[[4]],
                        mean_m= row[[5]])

   df <- rbind(df, df_row)
#>   t_value     df p_value  mean_f  mean_m
#> 1  -3.767 18.332   0.001  17.147  24.392
#> 2   1.266 18.715   0.221 160.263 126.846

这里有一些更现代的方法,其中包含 non-standard 评估和 purrr。我已将您的循环逻辑放入为 variable 的每个条目调用的函数中。在函数内部,v 的值(字符串)被转换为符号。这是你的变量名。然后在为 t.test.

data 参数提供的 data.frame 的上下文中评估此变量

variable <- c("variable_1", "variable_2", "variable_3") 

calc_fun <- function(v, input_data) {
  output <- t.test(eval(rlang::sym(v)) ~ Gender, data = input_data)
  values <- output[c(1,2,3,5)]
  values <- round(unlist(values, use.names = FALSE),3)
  data.frame(t_values = values[1],
             df = values[2],
             p_value = values[3],
             mean_f = values[4],
             mean_m = values[5])

df <- map_dfr(variable, ~calc_fun(v = .x, input_data = data))

使用@Chuck P 的示例,我的方法如下所示:

df <- map_dfr(variable, ~calc_fun(v = .x, input_data = data))

variable <- c("mpg", "hp")

calc_fun <- function(v, input_data) {
  output <- t.test(eval(rlang::sym(v)) ~ am, data = input_data)
  values <- output[c(1,2,3,5)]
  values <- round(unlist(values, use.names = FALSE),3)
  data.frame(t_values = values[1],
             df = values[2],
             p_value = values[3],
             mean_f = values[4],
             mean_m = values[5])

df <- map_dfr(variable, ~calc_fun(v = .x, input_data = mtcars))
  t_values     df p_value  mean_f  mean_m
1   -3.767 18.332   0.001  17.147  24.392
2    1.266 18.715   0.221 160.263 126.846


vars <- c("cyl", "disp", "hp", "gear")
  lapply(setNames(nm = vars), function(nm) {
    out <- t.test(mtcars[["mpg"]], mtcars[[nm]])
    c(out[c(1, 2, 3)], out[[5]])
#      statistic parameter      p.value mean.of.x mean.of.y
# cyl   12.51163  36.40239 9.507708e-15  20.09062    6.1875
# disp  -9.60236  31.14661 7.978234e-11  20.09062  230.7219
# hp   -10.40489  31.47905 1.030354e-11  20.09062  146.6875
# gear  15.28179  31.92893 3.077106e-16  20.09062    3.6875


vars <- c("mpg", "cyl", "disp", "hp", "gear")
eg <- expand.grid(vars, vars, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
eg <- eg[ eg[,1] != eg[,2], ]
#   Var1 Var2
# 2  cyl  mpg
# 3 disp  mpg
# 4   hp  mpg
# 5 gear  mpg
# 6  mpg  cyl
# 8 disp  cyl

ret <- do.call(
  Map(function(x, y) {
    out <- t.test(x, y)
    c(out[c(1, 2, 3)], out[[5]])
  }, mtcars[eg[,1]], mtcars[eg[,2]])
ret <- cbind(eg, ret)
#   Var1 Var2 statistic parameter      p.value mean.of.x mean.of.y
# 2  cyl  mpg -12.51163  36.40239 9.507708e-15   6.18750  20.09062
# 3 disp  mpg   9.60236  31.14661 7.978234e-11 230.72188  20.09062
# 4   hp  mpg  10.40489  31.47905 1.030354e-11 146.68750  20.09062
# 5 gear  mpg -15.28179  31.92893 3.077106e-16   3.68750  20.09062
# 6  mpg  cyl  12.51163  36.40239 9.507708e-15  20.09062   6.18750
# 8 disp  cyl  10.24721  31.01287 1.774454e-11 230.72188   6.18750



1. Iteratively build a frame row-by-row works fine logically and in small doses, but in the long run it performs very poorly: it makes a complete copy of the whole frame with each row, which is memory-inefficient (and slow).

2. The use of `attach` is discouraged, as I said in my comment. Also, `get` should be avoided as well, though perhaps to a lesser degree than `attach`.