有没有办法在打字稿中描述一种 "keyfor" ?

is there a way to describe a kind of "keyfor" in typescript?

有什么方法可以表达一个对象的键-属性应该受相关值的限制?与 keyof 等效的东西,但与给定键相关的值?

const objectAction = <T extends object>(obj: T): void => obj;
const onlyForObjects = <T extends object>(obj: T, key: keyof T): void =>


onlyForObjects<{ a: number, b: object }>({ a: 0, b: {} }, 'b');


onlyForObjects<{ a: number, b: object }>({ a: 0, b: {} }, 'a');


type ObjKeys<T> = {
  [P in keyof T]: T[P] extends Record<any, any> ? P : never
}[keyof T]

const objectAction = <T>(obj: T): void => console.log(obj)

const onlyForObjects = <T>(obj: T, key: ObjKeys<T>): void => objectAction(obj[key])

onlyForObjects<{ a: number; b: Record<string, unknown> }>({ a: 0, b: {} }, 'b') // compiles
onlyForObjects<{ a: number; b: Record<string, unknown> }>({ a: 0, b: {} }, 'a') // does not compile

您可以使用泛型 Record constraint 作为类型参数 T:

const onlyForObjects = <T extends Record<K, object>, K extends string>(
    obj: T, key: K): void => { }

onlyForObjects({ a: 0, b: {} }, 'b'); // works
onlyForObjects({ a: 0, b: {} }, 'a'); // error

这里是live code sample.