如何在 Tarantool 中 select 数据?

How to select data in Tarantool?

我创建了一个 space 有两个索引:

box.schema.sequence.create('user_seq', { if_not_exists = true })
box.schema.create_space('users', { if_not_exists = true, format={
    { name = 'id', type = 'unsigned'},
    { name = 'name', type = 'string'}, 
    { name = 'age', type = 'unsigned'}} 
box.space.users:create_index('pk', { parts = { 'id' }, if_not_exists = true })
box.space.users:create_index('age', { parts = { 'age' }, if_not_exists = true })


box.space.users:insert({ box.sequence.user_seq:next(), 'Artur Barsegyan', 24})
box.space.users:insert({ box.sequence.user_seq:next(), 'Kostya Nazarov', 32})


如果您需要通过索引进行迭代,您应该在所需的索引上调用 pairs 方法。例如:

for _, tuple in box.space.users.index.age:pairs({30}, { iterator = 'LT' }) do


[1, 'Artur Barsegyan', 24]

我们做了什么?我们已经通过索引 age 迭代了所有 age 小于 30 的元组。关于迭代器和其他参数和过滤器的更多细节是 in the documentation.

如果您想 select space 中的所有元组,请在 space 对象上调用 pairs 方法而不带参数:

tarantool> for i, tuple in box.space.users:pairs() do
         > print(tuple)
         > end
[1, 'Artur', 'Barsegyan', 24, {'gender': 'male', 'position': 'Product Manager'}]
[2, 'Kostya', 'Nazarov', 32, {'gender': 'male', 'position': 'Lead of Tarantool Solutions'}]

探索更多参数和过滤器 in documentation 并在以下 SO 问题中:

  • How do I select a limited number of records from tarantool, like with SELECT LIMIT in SQL?


box.schema.space.create "users"
box.space.users:format { { name="id", type="unsigned"} --[[and so on]] }
box.space.users:create_index("primary", { sequence = true })
box.space.users:insert { nil, "John Doe", 20 }
box.space.users:insert { nil, "Jon Snow", 20 }

local all_users = box.space.users:select()