Bokeh 服务器:无法将回调附加到字形点击,例如一个圆圈?

Bokeh Server: Trouble attaching callback to glyph tap e.g. a circle?

我一直在尝试在单击字形时调用 python 函数。我试过这个例子 and this 但我的回调仍然没有被调用。这是我的代码

from bokeh.models import Slider, ColumnDataSource
from import curdoc
from bokeh.layouts import row
from bokeh.plotting import figure
from bokeh.palettes import d3

from numpy.random import random

#Create data for the plot
initial_points = 5
data = {'x': random(initial_points),
        'y': random(initial_points)

source = ColumnDataSource(data = {'x': random(initial_points), 'y': random(initial_points)})

plot = figure(title = "Random scatter plot generator", plot_height=750, plot_width=750, 
        tools="tap") = 'x', y = 'y', source = source,  color='green', size=20, alpha=0.5)

slider_widget = Slider(start = 0, end = 20, step = 2, value = initial_points, title = 'Slide 
     right to increase number of points')

def slider_callback(attr, old, new):
    points = slider_widget.value = {'x': random(points), 'y': random(points)}
slider_widget.on_change('value', slider_callback)

def tap_callback(attr, old, new):
    print('Here mate')

source.on_change('selected', tap_callback)

layout = row(slider_widget, plot)

有问题的回调函数是tap_callback。 我真的很想看到 “Here mate” 在点击字形后打印在终端中


source.on_change('selected', tap_callback)

source.selected.on_change('indices', tap_callback)