React 路由,在 CoreUI 上使用相同的组件但 props/parameters 不同

React route, use the same component with different props/parameters on CoreUI

假设我有一个名为 Component1 的 React 组件,它根据提供的数据绘制图表 --

import data_A from "./some/folder/A";
import data_B from "./some/folder/B";
import data_Z from "./some/folder/Z";

const Component1 = (props) => {
    var data = /* decide which data to load using props, will come from a nav link click event */
    return(/* render component with data */);


const Component1 = React.lazy(() => import("./views/components/Component1"));

routes = [
    { path: "/components", name: "Component1", component: Component1, }
    // there are more components but they are not relevant here.

我这样构建 <Switch/>

    {, idx) => {
        return(route.component && (
            <Route key={idx} path={route.path} exact={route.exact} name={}
                render={(props) => (<route.component {...props} />)}
    <Redirect from="/" to="/components" />

在我的应用程序中,我有一个导航栏,它是根据变量中指定的对象列表动态构建的。这里每个导航项都指定了我们要访问的数据 --

var navDataList = [
    { _tag: "CSidebarNavItem", name: "Data A", to: "/components" },
    { _tag: "CSidebarNavItem", name: "Data B", to: "/components" },
    { _tag: "CSidebarNavItem", name: "Data Z", to: "/components" },


    <CCreateElement items={navDataList} components={{CSidebarNavItem}} />

所以我基本上想做的是在用户单击nav link Data AData BData C

我的理解是我已经在 navList 中指定了我想要处理的数据对象作为道具。但我不知道该怎么做。


关于 CoreUI React components are here: CSidebarNavItem, CSidebarNav, CCreateElement 的文档。



var navDataList = [
    { _tag: "CSidebarNavItem", name: "Data A", 
        to: { 
            pathname: "/components",
            hash: "data_A_will_be_default",
            params: { data: "data_A" },
    { _tag: "CSidebarNavItem", name: "Data B", 
        to: { 
            pathname: "/components",
            hash: "data_B",
            params: { data: "data_B" },

然后在 Component1 内识别:

const Component1 = (props) => {
    var data = data_A; // default data to process
    if (props.location.params && {
        if ( === "data_B") {
            data = data_B;
    return(/* render component with data */);

但是它没有响应并且有延迟。 不会立即更新。

我将定义一个单一的“组件”路由路径,它将数据作为路由参数并在 Component1 中访问。

路由 - 使用路由参数定义路径 "/components/:data"

routes = [
  { path: "/components/:data", name: "Component1", component: Component1, }
  // there are more components but they are not relevant here.

链接 - link 到具有指定数据的特定路径

var navDataList = [
  { _tag: "CSidebarNavItem", name: "Data A", to: "/components/A" },
  { _tag: "CSidebarNavItem", name: "Data B", to: "/components/B" },
  { _tag: "CSidebarNavItem", name: "Data Z", to: "/components/Z" },

访问match params via Route props or useParams反应挂钩

const Component1 = props => {
  const { data } = props.match.params;

import { useParams } from 'react-router-dom';

const Component1 = props => {
  const { data } = useParams();