如何查询特定年份的 arXiv?

How to query arXiv for a specific year?

我正在使用下面显示的代码从 arXiv 检索论文。我想检索标题中包含“机器”和“学习”字样的论文。论文数量较多,想实现按年份分片(published)。

如何在 search_query 中请求 2020 年和 2019 年的记录?请注意,我对 post-filtering.

import urllib.request

import time
import feedparser

# Base api query url
base_url = 'http://export.arxiv.org/api/query?';

# Search parameters
search_query = urllib.parse.quote("ti:machine learning")
start = 0
total_results = 5000
results_per_iteration = 1000
wait_time = 3

papers = []

print('Searching arXiv for %s' % search_query)

for i in range(start,total_results,results_per_iteration):
    print("Results %i - %i" % (i,i+results_per_iteration))
    query = 'search_query=%s&start=%i&max_results=%i' % (search_query,

    # perform a GET request using the base_url and query
    response = urllib.request.urlopen(base_url+query).read()

    # parse the response using feedparser
    feed = feedparser.parse(response)

    # Run through each entry, and print out information
    for entry in feed.entries:
        #print('arxiv-id: %s' % entry.id.split('/abs/')[-1])
        #print('Title:  %s' % entry.title)
        #feedparser v4.1 only grabs the first author
        #print('First Author:  %s' % entry.author)
        paper = {}
        paper["date"] = entry.published
        paper["title"] = entry.title
        paper["first_author"] = entry.author
        paper["summary"] = entry.summary
    # Sleep a bit before calling the API again
    print('Bulk: %i' % 1)

根据 arXiv documentation,没有 publisheddate 字段可用。

您可以做的是 sort the results 按日期(通过将 &sortBy=submittedDate&sortOrder=descending 添加到您的查询参数)并在您到达 2018 年时停止发出请求。


import urllib.request

import time
import feedparser

# Base api query url
base_url = 'http://export.arxiv.org/api/query?';

# Search parameters
search_query = urllib.parse.quote("ti:machine learning")
i = 0
results_per_iteration = 1000
wait_time = 3
papers = []
year = ""  
print('Searching arXiv for %s' % search_query)

while (year != "2018"): #stop requesting when papers date reach 2018
    print("Results %i - %i" % (i,i+results_per_iteration))
    query = 'search_query=%s&start=%i&max_results=%i&sortBy=submittedDate&sortOrder=descending' % (search_query,

    # perform a GET request using the base_url and query
    response = urllib.request.urlopen(base_url+query).read()

    # parse the response using feedparser
    feed = feedparser.parse(response)
    # Run through each entry, and print out information
    for entry in feed.entries:
        #print('arxiv-id: %s' % entry.id.split('/abs/')[-1])
        #print('Title:  %s' % entry.title)
        #feedparser v4.1 only grabs the first author
        #print('First Author:  %s' % entry.author)
        paper = {}
        paper["date"] = entry.published
        year = paper["date"][0:4]
        paper["title"] = entry.title
        paper["first_author"] = entry.author
        paper["summary"] = entry.summary
    # Sleep a bit before calling the API again
    print('Bulk: %i' % 1)
    i += results_per_iteration


papers2019 = [item for item in papers if item["date"][0:4] == "2019"]