
Why is interface required here for correct results


subroutine func(i) bind(c)
  use, intrinsic :: ISO_C_BINDING, only: c_float
  implicit none
  real(c_float), value :: i
  print *, i, "+", i, "=", i + i
end subroutine

program main
  use, intrinsic :: ISO_C_BINDING, only: c_float
  implicit none
  real(c_float) :: i = 1.0
  call func(i)
end program

显示5.61379690E-30 + 5.61379690E-30 = 1.12275938E-29,当然是错误的。只有当我添加一个显式接口时,它才会输出正确的结果:

subroutine func(i) bind(c)
  use, intrinsic :: ISO_C_BINDING, only: c_float
  implicit none
  real(c_float), value :: i
  print *, i, "+", i, "=", i + i
end subroutine

program main
  implicit none
    subroutine func(i)
      real, value :: i
    end subroutine func
  end interface
  real :: i = 1.0
  call func(i)
end program

然后我得到 1.00000000 + 1.00000000 = 2.00000000 这是正确的。


我使用 gfortran,GCC,版本 7.4.0

每个具有 value 伪参数的函数或子例程都需要一个显式接口。这同样适用于具有 bind() 属性的过程。否则调用代码不知道如何正确调用。

Fortran 2018 草案指出: Explicit interface
1 Within the scope of a procedure identifier, the procedure shall have an explicit interface if it is not a statement function and
(3) the procedure has a dummy argument that (a) has the ALLOCATABLE, ASYNCHRONOUS, OPTIONAL, POINTER, TARGET, VALUE, or VOLATILE attribute, ...
(6) the procedure has the BIND attribute.

请注意,explicit interface 与您使用的 interface 块不同。接口块是提供显式接口的可能方式之一。更好的选择通常是使用模块,有时使用内部过程。


explicit interface
interface of a procedure that includes all the characteristics of the procedure and names for its dummy arguments except for asterisk dummy arguments (15.4.2)

这与 interface 块不同,它是以 interface 关键字开头的实际代码段。