泰勒法 ODE

Taylor Method ODE

我正在尝试在 MatLab 中为 ODE 实现泰勒方法:


function [x,y] = TaylorEDO(f, a, b, n, y0)
% syms t
% x = sym('x(t)'); % x(t)
% f = (t^2)*x+x*(1-x);

h = (b - a)/n;

fprime = diff(f);
f2prime = diff(fprime);

y(0) = y0,
for i=1:n
    T((i-1)*h, y(i-1), n) = double(f((i-1)*h, y(i-1)))+(h/2)*fprime((i-1)*h, y(i-1))
    y(i+1) = w(i) + h*T(t(i), y(i), n); 




使用此 link 中的函数时出错,我得到:

>> taylor('f',0,2,0,20)
Error using feval
Undefined function 'df' for input arguments of type 'double'.

Error in TaylorEDO (line 28)
  D = feval('df',tj,yj)

我在这里使用的 f 是

 syms t
 x = sym('x(t)'); % x(t)
 f = (t^2)*x+x*(1-x);

这是一个数值方法,所以需要数值函数。然而,其中一些是根据函数 f 的导数计算的。为此,您需要符号区分。

相关的 Matlab 命令是 symfun(创建符号函数)和 matlabFunction(将符号函数转换为数值)。

您目前的代码似乎无法挽救。您需要从更接近基础的地方开始,例如 "Matlab indices begin at 1"。因此,我将填补您链接到的代码中的空白(df 的计算)。评论应该解释发生了什么。

function [T,Y] = taylor(f,a,b,ya,m)
syms t y
dfs(1) = symfun(f, [t y]);                         % make sure that the function has 2 arguments, even if the user passes in something like 2*y
for k=1:3
    dfs(k+1) = diff(dfs(k),t)+f*diff(dfs(k),y);    % the idea of Taylor method: calculate the higher derivatives of solution from the ODE
df = matlabFunction(symfun(dfs,[t y]));            % convert to numerical function; again, make sure it has two variables

h = (b - a)/m;                                     % the rest is unchanged except one line
T = zeros(1,m+1);
Y = zeros(1,m+1);
T(1) = a;
Y(1) = ya;
for j=1:m
  tj = T(j);
  yj = Y(j);
  D = df(tj,yj);                                   % syntax change here; feval is unnecessary with the above approach to df
  Y(j+1) = yj + h*(D(1)+h*(D(2)/2+h*(D(3)/6+h*D(4)/24)));
  T(j+1) = a + h*j;


syms t y
[T, Y] = taylor(t*y, 0, 1, 2, 100); 