使用用户定义函数引发错误 (VBA)

Raising errors with User Defined Functions (VBA)

我在 vba 中创建了一个用户定义函数来根据先进先出库存系统计算利润。在转到实际代码之前,我想检查一下输入是否有效。

'---------------Check Information for errors----------------------
    SellSum = Application.WorksheetFunction.Sum(SellQuantity)
    BuySum = Application.WorksheetFunction.Sum(BuyQuantity)
    SellPCount = Application.WorksheetFunction.Count(SellPrice)
    SellQCount = Application.WorksheetFunction.Count(SellQuantity)
    BuyPCount = Application.WorksheetFunction.Count(BuyPrice)
    BuyQCount = Application.WorksheetFunction.Count(BuyQuantity)

    If SellSum > BuySum Then                                        'More sales than inventory, throw error
        FIFO_PROFIT = VBA.CVErr(XlCVError.xlErrValue)
    End If
    If (BuyPCount <> BuyQCount Or SellPCount <> SellQCount) Then    'Incomplete data, throw error
        FIFO_PROFIT = VBA.CVErr(XlCVError.xlErrValue)
    End If


FIFO_PROFIT = RunningProfit


实际代码有点冗长,我认为这与它没有任何关系。但如果有人想复习它, https://pastebin.com/fA2pY52f


Function FIFO_PROFIT(SellPrice As Variant, SellQuantity As Variant, BuyPrice As Variant, BuyQuantity As Variant) As Variant
'Calculate the Profit according to the FIFO method
'---------------Check Information for errors----------------------
    SellSum = Application.WorksheetFunction.Sum(SellQuantity)
    BuySum = Application.WorksheetFunction.Sum(BuyQuantity)
    SellPCount = Application.WorksheetFunction.Count(SellPrice)
    SellQCount = Application.WorksheetFunction.Count(SellQuantity)
    BuyPCount = Application.WorksheetFunction.Count(BuyPrice)
    BuyQCount = Application.WorksheetFunction.Count(BuyQuantity)
    If SellSum > BuySum Then                                        'More sales than inventory, throw error
        FIFO_PROFIT = VBA.CVErr(XlCVError.xlErrValue)
        GoTo FIFO_PROFIT_IS_ERROR '<--------------------ADDED CODE (1 of 3)X
    End If
    If (BuyPCount <> BuyQCount Or SellPCount <> SellQCount) Then    'Incomplete data, throw error
        FIFO_PROFIT = VBA.CVErr(XlCVError.xlErrValue)
        GoTo FIFO_PROFIT_IS_ERROR '<--------------------ADDED CODE (2 of 3)X
    End If
Dim RunningSale As Variant
Dim RunningBuy As Variant
Dim RunningCost As Variant
Dim RunningBuyQuantity As Variant
Dim RunningSales As Variant
Dim RunningProfit As Variant
Dim Residual As Variant
Dim UsedupResidual As Variant
Dim y As Variant
y = 1
RunningCost = 0
Residual = 0
UsedupResidual = 0
RunningSales = 0
RunningProfit = 0
    For x = 1 To SellQCount
    If y <> 1 Then                                                                  'BUGtest
        RunningBuyQuantity = Residual + BuyQuantity(y).Value2
    End If
            While (RunningBuyQuantity <= SellQuantity(x).Value2 And y <= BuyQCount) 'Bugtest
                If y = 1 Then
                    RunningCost = RunningCost + (BuyPrice(y).Value2 * BuyQuantity(y).Value2)
                    RunningCost = RunningCost + ((BuyPrice(y).Value2 * BuyQuantity(y).Value2) + (BuyPrice(y - 1).Value2 * Residual))
                End If
                Residual = 0
                RunningBuyQuantity = RunningBuyQuantity + BuyQuantity(y).Value2
                y = y + 1
        If RunningBuyQuantity > SellQuantity(x).Value2 Then
            Residual = SellQuantity(x).Value2 - RunningBuyQuantity
            UsedupResidual = BuyQuantity(y).Value2 - Residual
            RunningCost = RunningCost + (UsedupResidual * BuyPrice(y).Value2)
        End If
        RunningSales = SellPrice(x).Value2 * SellQuantity(x).Value2
        RunningProfit = RunningProfit + RunningSales - RunningCost
        RunningSales = 0
        RunningCost = 0
    Next x
    FIFO_PROFIT = RunningProfit
FIFO_PROFIT_IS_ERROR:     '<--------------------ADDED CODE (3 of 3) X
End Function

我把你的整个函数都拿走了,并添加了 3 行代码。我没有检查代码本身,所以没有对它进行评估。在这两种情况下(更多的销售和不完整的数据) FIFO_PROFIT 已正确设置,然后 GoTo 指令将代码发送到 FIFO_PROFIT_IS_ERROR 行,方便地放置在函数结束。有关 GoTo 指令 here.


再一次,你也可以使用Exit Function指令。它不需要第三行 FIFO_PROFIT_IS_ERROR,它也可以工作。结果是:

Function FIFO_PROFIT(SellPrice As Variant, SellQuantity As Variant, BuyPrice As Variant, BuyQuantity As Variant) As Variant
'Calculate the Profit according to the FIFO method
'---------------Check Information for errors----------------------
    SellSum = Application.WorksheetFunction.Sum(SellQuantity)
    BuySum = Application.WorksheetFunction.Sum(BuyQuantity)
    SellPCount = Application.WorksheetFunction.Count(SellPrice)
    SellQCount = Application.WorksheetFunction.Count(SellQuantity)
    BuyPCount = Application.WorksheetFunction.Count(BuyPrice)
    BuyQCount = Application.WorksheetFunction.Count(BuyQuantity)
    If SellSum > BuySum Then                                        'More sales than inventory, throw error
        FIFO_PROFIT = VBA.CVErr(XlCVError.xlErrValue)
        Exit Function '<--------------------ADDED CODE (1 of 2)X
    End If
    If (BuyPCount <> BuyQCount Or SellPCount <> SellQCount) Then    'Incomplete data, throw error
        FIFO_PROFIT = VBA.CVErr(XlCVError.xlErrValue)
        Exit Function '<--------------------ADDED CODE (1 of 2)X
    End If
Dim RunningSale As Variant
Dim RunningBuy As Variant
Dim RunningCost As Variant
Dim RunningBuyQuantity As Variant
Dim RunningSales As Variant
Dim RunningProfit As Variant
Dim Residual As Variant
Dim UsedupResidual As Variant
Dim y As Variant
y = 1
RunningCost = 0
Residual = 0
UsedupResidual = 0
RunningSales = 0
RunningProfit = 0
    For x = 1 To SellQCount
    If y <> 1 Then                                                                  'BUGtest
        RunningBuyQuantity = Residual + BuyQuantity(y).Value2
    End If
            While (RunningBuyQuantity <= SellQuantity(x).Value2 And y <= BuyQCount) 'Bugtest
                If y = 1 Then
                    RunningCost = RunningCost + (BuyPrice(y).Value2 * BuyQuantity(y).Value2)
                    RunningCost = RunningCost + ((BuyPrice(y).Value2 * BuyQuantity(y).Value2) + (BuyPrice(y - 1).Value2 * Residual))
                End If
                Residual = 0
                RunningBuyQuantity = RunningBuyQuantity + BuyQuantity(y).Value2
                y = y + 1
        If RunningBuyQuantity > SellQuantity(x).Value2 Then
            Residual = SellQuantity(x).Value2 - RunningBuyQuantity
            UsedupResidual = BuyQuantity(y).Value2 - Residual
            RunningCost = RunningCost + (UsedupResidual * BuyPrice(y).Value2)
        End If
        RunningSales = SellPrice(x).Value2 * SellQuantity(x).Value2
        RunningProfit = RunningProfit + RunningSales - RunningCost
        RunningSales = 0
        RunningCost = 0
    Next x
    FIFO_PROFIT = RunningProfit
End Function