AngularJS - 检查子数组是否包含某些东西

AngularJS - Check if subarray contains something


"id": 1,
"name": "GR302",    
"actions": [
    "date": "19/04/2011",        
    "deadline": "21/04/2011",
    "priority": "high"
    "date": "15/01/2012",        
    "deadline": "20/12/2014",
    "priority": "low"


我用 ng-repeat: room in rooms 和另一个 ng-repeat: action in room.actions. 现在我想在有高优先级操作的房间名称旁边放置一个标志。但我不知道如何,我是 AngularJS 的初学者。我唯一能想到的就是使用 ng-model & ng-class?

<h4>{{}} <span class="glyphicon" ng-class="(something) ? 'glyphicon-flag' : ''"></span></h4>

你可以用很多不同的方式来做到这一点,ng-class 足够灵活,可以接受一系列表达式、对象、数组和字符串。


 ng-class="{'glyphicon-flag' : action.priority == 'high'}"

 <!--More flexible version, Here you can add more key value pairs if you need to specify different classes for different priority-->
 ng-class="{'high' : 'glyphicon-flag'}[action.priority]" 

 ng-class="{true, 'glyphicon-flag'}[action.priority == 'high']"


  ng-class="action.priority == 'high' ?  'glyphicon-flag' : ''"



 $scope.isFlagged = function(actions){
    if(!angular.isArray(actions)) return false;

    return actions.some(function(action){
       return action.priority === 'high';


ng-class="{true, 'glyphicon-flag'}[isFlagged(room.actions)]"

或者,如果在您的情况下每个房间的操作数量不会动态变化,那么您应该在设置房间的视图模型时在控制器中添加一个 属性,这将提高性能.


angular.forEach($scope.rooms , function(room) {
    room.isFlagged = isFlagged(room.actions); //Add a property on the room object

function isFlagged(actions){
    if(!angular.isArray(actions)) return false;

    return actions.some(function(action){
       return action.priority === 'high';

并在你的 ng-class 表达式中使用标志。

The result of the evaluation can be a string representing space delimited class names, an array, or a map of class names to boolean values. In the case of a map, the names of the properties whose values are truthy will be added as css classes to the element.

另请参阅 Array.some 及其针对旧版浏览器的 shim。