在 NumPy 中将带有索引的切片混合到 mgrid 输入

Mixing slices with indexes to mgrid input in NumPy

np.mgrid 接受切片元组,如 np.mgrid[1:3, 4:8]np.mgrid[np.s_[1:3, 4:8]].

但是有没有办法在 mgrid 的元组参数中混合切片和索引数组?例如:

extended_mgrid(np.s_[1:3, 4:8] + (np.array([1,2,3]), np.array([7,8])))


np.mgrid[1:3, 4:8, 1:4, 7:9]


解决此任务需要能够创建索引的 N 维元组,提供使用 np.mgrid 的切片 + 索引的混合,如 .

任务已解决 of @hpaulj using np.meshgrid

Try it online!

import numpy as np

def extended_mgrid(i):
    res = np.meshgrid(*[(
            np.arange(e.start or 0, e.stop, e.step or 1)
            if type(e) is slice else e
        ) for e in {slice: (i,), np.ndarray: (i,), tuple: i}[type(i)]
    ], indexing = 'ij')
    return np.stack(res, 0) if type(i) is tuple else res[0]

# Tests

a = np.mgrid[1:3]
b = extended_mgrid(np.s_[1:3])
assert np.array_equal(a, b), (a, b)

a = np.mgrid[(np.s_[1:3],)]
b = extended_mgrid((np.s_[1:3],))
assert np.array_equal(a, b), (a, b)

a = np.array([[[1,1],[2,2]],[[3,4],[3,4]]])
b = extended_mgrid((np.array([1,2]), np.array([3,4])))
assert np.array_equal(a, b), (a, b)

a = np.mgrid[1:3, 4:8, 1:4, 7:9]
b = extended_mgrid(np.s_[1:3, 4:8] + (np.array([1,2,3]), np.array([7,8])))
assert np.array_equal(a, b), (a, b)