
Android Paging Library: How to intelligently switch Between online and offline data?

我正在关注 Raywenderlich 在 paging-library-for-android-with-kotlin 上关于如何使用 android 分页库的教程。这是网上最简单的教程之一,我已经完全遵循了它。但是,我想做一些改变,让我可以智能地在在线数据和离线数据之间切换。

也就是说,我的数据库中有一些旧帖子。最初我有互联网连接。所以我从互联网加载最新数据,然后将其插入我的数据库。最后,我在我的 recyclerView / PagedListAdapter 中显示了这个最新数据。 如果由于某种原因,一段时间后没有互联网连接,我应该显示数据库中的旧帖子。



这是我的code on github repository

在这里,我尝试创建一个工厂模式。它检查我最初是否有互联网,来自在线数据源的工厂 returns pagedList。否则,来自离线数据源的工厂 returns pagedList。 但这并不能在两种状态之间智能切换。

我尝试了一些随机代码,例如创建边界回调。但我不确定如何进行必要的更改。 我不会在这里添加代码(至少现在)以保持简短和准确。



具体来说,我主要从网络加载分页数据。如果出现网络错误,我不想向用户显示错误。相反,我从缓存/数据库加载分页数据,并尽可能长时间地向我的用户连续显示。如果网络恢复,切换回网络分页数据。 (这就是我认为的 instagram / facebook)。实现这个的合适方法是什么?在答案中查看我的代码/尝试。

好的,所以在尝试了 2 天的一些代码之后,这就是我想出的。但是,我真的不知道这是否是一个好习惯。所以我愿意接受任何可接受的答案。


由于我有多个数据源(网络和数据库),我在这里创建了ProfilePostDataSource: PageKeyedDataSource<Pair<Long, Long>, ProfilePost>键是一对,第一个用于网络分页,第二个用于数据库分页。

我使用 kotlin 的 Coroutine 以简单的 if-else 方式编写了一些异步代码。所以我们可以这样写成psudo-code:

Database db;
Retrofit retrofit;

inside loadInitial/loadBefore / loadAfter:
  currNetworkKey = params.key.first;
  currDBKey = params.key.second;
  ArrayList<Model> pagedList;

    ArrayList<Model> onlineList = retrofit.getNetworkData(currNetworkKey);  // <-- we primarily load data from network
    if(onlineList != null) {
      pagedList = onlineList;
      db.insertAll(onlineList);  // <-- update our cache
      ArrayList<Model> offlineList = db.getOfflineData(currDBKey); // <-- incase the network fails, we load cache from database  
      if(offlineList !=null){
           pagedList = offlineList;
    if(pagedList != null or empty) {
      nextNetworkKey = // update it accordingly
      nextDBKey = // update it accordingly
      Pair<int, int> nextKey = new Pair(nextNetworkKey, nextDBKey);
      pagingLibraryCallBack.onResult(pagedList, nextKey); // <-- submit the data to paging library via callback. this updates your adapter, recyclerview etc...

所以在 facebook、instagram 等应用程序中,我们看到它们主要从网络加载数据。但如果网络出现故障,他们会向您显示已兑现的数据。我们可以像这段代码一样智能地进行这种切换。



/** @brief: <Key, Value> = <Integer, ProfilePost>. The key = pageKey used in api. Value = single item data type in the recyclerView
 * We have a situation. We need a 2nd id to fetch profilePosts from database.
 * Change of plan:  <Key, Value> = < Pair<Int, Int>, ProfilePost>. here the
 *                    key.first = pageKey used in api.      <-- Warning: Dont switch these 2!
 *                     Key.second = db last items id
 *                                   used as out db page key
 * Value = single item data type in the recyclerView
 * */
class ProfilePostDataSource: PageKeyedDataSource<Pair<Long, Long>, ProfilePost> {

  companion object{
    val TAG: String =;
    val INVALID_KEY: Long = -1;

  private val context: Context;
  private val userId: Int;
  private val liveLoaderState: MutableLiveData<NetworkState>;
  private val profilePostLocalData: ProfilePostLocalDataProvider;

  public constructor(context: Context, userId: Int, profilePostLocalData: ProfilePostLocalDataProvider, liveLoaderState: MutableLiveData<NetworkState>) {
    this.context = context;
    this.userId = userId;
    this.profilePostLocalData = profilePostLocalData;
    this.liveLoaderState = liveLoaderState;

  override fun loadInitial(params: LoadInitialParams<Pair<Long, Long>>, pagingLibraryCallBack: LoadInitialCallback<Pair<Long, Long>, ProfilePost>) {
    val initialNetworkKey: Long = 1L;  // suffix = networkKey cz later we'll add dbKey
    var nextNetworkKey = initialNetworkKey + 1;
    val prevNetworkKey = null; // cz we wont be using it in this case

    val initialDbKey: Long = Long.MAX_VALUE; // dont think I need it
    var nextDBKey: Long = 0L;

    GlobalScope.launch(Dispatchers.IO) {
      val pagedProfilePosts: ArrayList<ProfilePost> = ArrayList(); // cz kotlin emptyList() sometimes gives a weird error. So use arraylist and be happy
      val authorization : String = AuthManager.getInstance(context).authenticationToken;

        val res: Response<ProfileServerResponse> = getAPIService().getFeedProfile(
          sessionToken = authorization, id = userId, withProfile = false, withPosts = true, page = initialNetworkKey.toInt()

        if(res.isSuccessful && res.body()!=null) {

      }catch (x: Exception) {
        Log.e(TAG, "Exception -> "+x.message);

      if(pagedProfilePosts.isNotEmpty()) {
        // this means network call is successfull
        Log.e(TAG, "key -> "+initialNetworkKey+" size -> "+pagedProfilePosts.size+" "+pagedProfilePosts.toString());

        nextDBKey = pagedProfilePosts.last().id;
        val nextKey: Pair<Long, Long> = Pair(nextNetworkKey, nextDBKey);

        pagingLibraryCallBack.onResult(pagedProfilePosts, prevNetworkKey, nextKey);
        // <-- this is paging library's callback to a pipeline that updates data which inturn updates the recyclerView. There is a line: adapter.submitPost(list) in FeedProfileFragment. this callback is related to that line...
        profilePostLocalData.insertProfilePosts(pagedProfilePosts, userId); // insert the latest data in db
        // fetch data from cache
        val cachedList: List<ProfilePost> = profilePostLocalData.getProfilePosts(userId);

        if(pagedProfilePosts.size>0) {
          nextDBKey = cachedList.last().id;
          nextDBKey = INVALID_KEY;
        nextNetworkKey = INVALID_KEY; // <-- probably there is a network error / sth like that. So no need to execute further network call. thus pass invalid key
        val nextKey: Pair<Long, Long> = Pair(nextNetworkKey, nextDBKey);
        pagingLibraryCallBack.onResult(pagedProfilePosts, prevNetworkKey, nextKey);



  override fun loadBefore(params: LoadParams<Pair<Long, Long>>, pagingLibraryCallBack: LoadCallback<Pair<Long, Long>, ProfilePost>) {}  // we dont need it in feedProflie

  override fun loadAfter(params: LoadParams<Pair<Long, Long>>, pagingLibraryCallBack: LoadCallback<Pair<Long, Long>, ProfilePost>) {
    val currentNetworkKey: Long = params.key.first;
    var nextNetworkKey = currentNetworkKey; // assuming invalid key
    if(nextNetworkKey!= INVALID_KEY) {
      nextNetworkKey = currentNetworkKey + 1;

    val currentDBKey: Long = params.key.second;
    var nextDBKey: Long = 0;

    if(currentDBKey!= INVALID_KEY || currentNetworkKey!= INVALID_KEY) {
      GlobalScope.launch(Dispatchers.IO) {
        val pagedProfilePosts: ArrayList<ProfilePost> = ArrayList(); // cz kotlin emptyList() sometimes gives a weird error. So use arraylist and be happy
        val authorization : String = AuthManager.getInstance(context).authenticationToken;

          if(currentNetworkKey!= INVALID_KEY) {
            val res: Response<ProfileServerResponse> = getAPIService().getFeedProfile(
                    sessionToken = authorization, id = userId, withProfile = false, withPosts = true, page = currentNetworkKey.toInt()

            if(res.isSuccessful && res.body()!=null) {

        }catch (x: Exception) {
          Log.e(TAG, "Exception -> "+x.message);

        if(pagedProfilePosts.isNotEmpty()) {
          // this means network call is successfull
          Log.e(TAG, "key -> "+currentNetworkKey+" size -> "+pagedProfilePosts.size+" "+pagedProfilePosts.toString());

          nextDBKey = pagedProfilePosts.last().id;
          val nextKey: Pair<Long, Long> = Pair(nextNetworkKey, nextDBKey);

          pagingLibraryCallBack.onResult(pagedProfilePosts,  nextKey);
          // <-- this is paging library's callback to a pipeline that updates data which inturn updates the recyclerView. There is a line: adapter.submitPost(list) in FeedProfileFragment. this callback is related to that line...
          profilePostLocalData.insertProfilePosts(pagedProfilePosts, userId); // insert the latest data in db
          // fetch data from cache
//          val cachedList: List<ProfilePost> = profilePostLocalData.getProfilePosts(userId);
          val cachedList: List<ProfilePost> = profilePostLocalData.getPagedProfilePosts(userId, nextDBKey, 20);

          if(pagedProfilePosts.size>0) {
            nextDBKey = cachedList.last().id;
            nextDBKey = INVALID_KEY;

          nextNetworkKey = INVALID_KEY; // <-- probably there is a network error / sth like that. So no need to execute further network call. thus pass invalid key
          val nextKey: Pair<Long, Long> = Pair(nextNetworkKey, nextDBKey);
          pagingLibraryCallBack.onResult(pagedProfilePosts, nextKey);

  private suspend fun setLoading() {
    withContext(Dispatchers.Main) {
      liveLoaderState.value = NetworkState.LOADING;

  private suspend fun setLoaded() {
    withContext(Dispatchers.Main) {
      liveLoaderState.value = NetworkState.LOADED;

