c++ 在找到空白 space 时将文件拆分为记录?

c++ split a file into records when blank space is found?


2.7388  0 2.4670
3.6384  1 24.5927
8.7844  0 10.6871
11.2892 0 2.6507
19.6054 1 16.8974
25.8811 0 8.0084

例如,我将占据第一行 2.7388 0 2.4670 。我正在尝试完成类似以下的事情

2.7388 = double x
0      = int y
2.4670 = double z


struct fileReader{
double x;
int y;
double z;

std::vector<fileReader> afileReader(std::string fileName) {

  std::vector<fileReader> readtheFile;
  std::ifstream List;
  std::string line;
 char delimiter = ' '; //delimiter added

  while (std::getline(List, line))
    std::string token;
    std::istringstream ss(line);
    fileReader afileReader;

    std::getline(ss, token,delimiter);
    afileReader.x = std::stod(token); //change from stoi to stod
    std::getline(ss, token,delimiter);
    afileReader.y = std::stoi(token);

    std::getline(ss, token,delimiter);
    afileReader.z = std::stod(token); //change from stoi to stod

for(fileReader x: readtheFile) {
      std::cout << x.x;
      std::cout << x.y;
      std::cout << x.z;
  return readtheFile;


当我 运行 从主线 运行 宁行 afileReader("file.txt") 。我收到以下错误

terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::invalid_argument'
  what():  stod //error changed
Aborted (core dumped) 

我不确定为什么我收到 stoi 错误,因为它是将 int 值转换为字符串的正确转换方法(因为标记是字符串)

虽然我希望在命中空白 space 时拆分记录,但要返回到问题。因此,回到前面的 2.7388 0 2.4670 示例,当 2.7388 被读取时,它被分配给变量 x,当 0 被读取时,它被分配给变量 y 并且2.4670 赋值给变量 z


#include <fstream>
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>

struct Data {
  double x;
  int y;
  double z;

std::vector<Data> fileReader(std::string fileName) {

  std::vector<Data> result;
  std::ifstream file(fileName);

  Data data;

  while (file >> data.x >> data.y >> data.z)

  for (auto &&i : result)
    std::cout << i.x << ' ' << i.y << ' ' << i.z << '\n';

  return result;

int main() { fileReader("test.txt"); }

Sample Run


  1. fileReader::xfileReader::z 不是 floating-type 数字。
  2. ' ' 未作为定界符传递给 std::getline
  3. 您正在阅读的文件中的间距不一致。 (FIX)
  4. 出于某种奇怪的原因,你正在做 line.pop_back();
  5. [某些警告的原因]您没有从 afileReader()(non-void 函数)返回任何内容。


#include <fstream>
#include <iostream>
#include <istream>
#include <sstream>
#include <vector>

struct fileReader {
  double x;
  int y;
  double z;

std::vector<fileReader> afileReader(std::string fileName) {

  std::vector<fileReader> readtheFile;
  std::ifstream List(fileName);
  std::string line;

  while (std::getline(List, line)) {

    std::string token;
    std::istringstream ss(line);
    fileReader afileReader;

    ss >> std::ws;
    std::getline(ss, token, ' ');
    afileReader.x = std::stod(token);

    ss >> std::ws;
    std::getline(ss, token, ' ');
    afileReader.y = std::stoi(token);

    ss >> std::ws;
    std::getline(ss, token);
    afileReader.z = std::stod(token);


  for (auto &&i : readtheFile)
    std::cout << i.x << ' ' << i.y << ' ' << i.z << '\n';

  return readtheFile;

int main() { afileReader("test.txt"); }