numpy 2d:如何仅针对第二列中的允许值获取第一列中最大元素的索引

numpy 2d: How to get the index of the max element in the first column for only the allowed value in the second column

帮助找到解决问题的高性能方法: 我在神经网络(answers_weight)之后得到一个结果,一个答案类别(相同的长度)和当前请求的允许类别:

answers_weight = np.asarray([0.9, 3.8, 3, 0.6, 0.7, 0.99]) # ~3kk items
answers_category = [1, 2, 1, 5, 3, 1] # same size as answers_weight: ~3kk items
categories_allowed1 = [1, 5, 8]
res = np.stack((answers_weight, answers_category), axis=1)


最后,索引必须是 = 2(“3.0”,因为“3.8”必须被跳过,因为类别不允许)

最简单的方法是使用 numpy 的 masked_arrays 根据 allowed_categories 屏蔽你的权重,然后找到 argmax:,categories_allowed1),answers_weight).argmax()


mask = np.isin(answers_category, categories_allowed1)


inds = np.arange(res.shape[0])
# a mask is an array [False  True False False  True False]
mask = np.all(res[:,1][:,None] != categories_allowed1,axis=1)

allowed_inds = inds[mask]
# max_ind is not yet the real answer because the not allowed values are not taken into account
max_ind = np.argmax(res[:,0][mask])
real_ind = allowed_inds[max_ind]