
How to compaire parts of a string in an array of objects with other strings?

我在 javascript 中有一个对象数组,例如:

var arr_objects= [
   {id: 1, authors: "person1||person2", edithors: "person1||person7"}, 
   {id: 2, authors: "person3", edithors: "person2"}, 
   {id: 3, authors: "person4||person5||person6", edithors: "person7||person6"}, 
   {id: 4, authors: "person7||person6", edithors: "person6"}

我想检查“作者”中的任何名称(person1、person2 等)是否出现在“editors”中的同一对象中。如果是这种情况 - 将一个新的键值对(“出现”)写入包含 author/editor.



var arr_objects= [
   {id: 1, authors: "person1||person2", edithors: "person1||person7", occurance: "person1"}, 
   {id: 2, authors: "person3", editors: "person2" }, 
   {id: 3, authors: "person4||person5||person6", edithors: "person7||person6", occurance: "person6"}, 
   {id: 4, authors: "person7||person6", edithors: "person6", occurance: "person6"}

我是编程新手,似乎完全被卡住了。 我想要实现输出,我必须在“作者”和“编辑”上使用正则表达式来分隔值并将两个字符串与每个字符串进行比较。不幸的是,我无法使用正则表达式并在比较值时循环遍历数组。



   // split both authors and editors into an array
   let authors = item.authors.split('||'); 
   let editors = item.edithors.split('||'); 
   let occurance = [];
   // for each author, check if it also appears among editors
   for (a in authors)
      if (editors.indexOf(authors[a])>=0)
          //if yes, push it into occurrence buffer

// join the array into a string
item.occurance = occurance.join('||'); 
return item;
var arr_objects= [
{id: 1, authors: "person1||person2", edithors: "person1||person7"}, 
{id: 2, authors: "person3", edithors: "person2"}, 
{id: 3, authors: "person4||person5||person6", edithors: "person7||person6"}, 
{id: 4, authors: "person7||person6", edithors: "person6"}

function getOccurance(arr){
// clone
arr = [...arr]

arr = arr.map(a => {
    let authors = a.authors.split("||");
    let editors = a.edithors.split("||")
    let occurance = ""
    authors.forEach(auth => {
        editors.forEach(ed => {
            if(auth == ed) {
                if(occurance.length > 0){
                    occurance += "||" + auth;
                    occurance += auth
    if(occurance.length > 0){
        a.occurance = occurance
    return a
return arr
arr_objects.forEach(obj => {
    const authors = obj.authors.split('||');
    const editors = obj.edithors.split('||');
    const matches = authors.filter(val => editors.includes(val));
    if (matches.length) {
        obj.occurrences = matches;

  1. 将作者和编辑分成两个数组。
  2. 找出两个数组之间的所有重复项。
  3. 将副本分配给您的新对象 属性 occurrences.

无需正则表达式,您可以使用 splitperson7||person6 字符串中获取一组人:

const persons = `person7||person6`.split('||');


['person7', 'person6'].join('||'); //evaluates to person7||person6

现在您所要做的就是遍历 arr_objects,拆分作者和编辑,计算他们的交集并将其放入事件中:

for(obj of arr_objects) {
  const authors = obj.authors.split('||');
  const editors = obj.edithors.split('||');
  const intersection = computeIntersection(authors, editors);
  if(intersection.length > 0) {
    obj.occurance = intersection.join('||')

现在剩下的就是实施 computeIntersection :

function computeIntersection(array1, array2) {
  let intersection = [];
  let visited = new Set();
  for(e of array1) {
  for(e of array2) {
    if(visited.has(e)) {
  return intersection;