Python 由于目录错误找不到我的文件

Python can't find my file because of a directory error

所以我有一个功能可以抓取 instagram 数据并将喜欢的数量存储到 dictionary.I 认为我已经正确设置了功能但是当我尝试 运行 打印语句时,我不断收到错误消息,提示无法通过函数 运行 找到我要查找的文件。

这是我用来挂载 google 驱动器并设置目录以存储我的 json 文件的代码。我在我的驱动器中验证了这一切都是正确的。

# Mount data location. Do not edit this cell except as indicated.

# Be sure you have a folder in the root of your Google Drive called APRD6342/Data.
# Data files for the course should be uploaded to that folder.
from pathlib import Path
    from google.colab import drive
    datadir = Path('drive/My Drive/APRD6342/Data') # you may edit this location ...
except ModuleNotFoundError:
    datadir = Path('../../Data') # ... but don't change this!!!

INSTAGRAM_DIR = datadir / 'instagram'


def engagement(filename, follower_count):
    """Return the brand post engagement for the Instagram metadata file,
    filename, given follower_count as the number of Instagram followers for
    the brand.

    Returns a decimal engagement rate rounded to 4 decimal places. Python's
    standard `round` function should be used. E.g.:

    >>> engagement('instagram/volvocars.json', volvocars_follower_count)
    with open(datadir / filename) as f:
        for line in f: #for each line in the file
            line_object = json.loads(line) 
            likes = line_object["GraphImages"]["edge_media_preview_like"]["count"] #find count

            if num in likes > 1:
                engagement.append(i) #add count to engagement
            comments = filename["GraphImages"]["edge_media_to_comment"]["count"] #find other count
            if num in comments > 1: 
                engagement.append(i) #add count
            engage_perc = sum(engagement)/follower_count #sum all counts and divide by the number of followers
    return engage_perc

这是我尝试 运行 的打印语句和错误:

    as_percent(engagement(INSTAGRAM_DIR / 'honda.json', honda_follower_count)))

---> 12     with open(datadir / filename) as f:
     13         for line in f: #for each line in the file
     14             line_object = json.loads(line)

FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'drive/My Drive/APRD6342/Data/drive/My Drive/APRD6342/Data/instagram/honda.json'

我已经 运行 安装代码之前没问题,但由于某种原因我的目录正在嵌套自身或其他东西。谢谢!


    as_percent(engagement(INSTAGRAM_DIR / 'honda.json', honda_follower_count)))


 with open(datadir / filename) as f:

仅传递子文件夹 instagram 和文件名。请注意文档字符串 - 他们提供 'instagram/volvocars.json',因此您需要提供 'instagram/honda.json'

因此能够想出一种不必使用 jsonl 文件而只使用 json 的方法。混淆了一些语法。

def engagement(filename, follower_count):
    """Return the brand post engagement for the Instagram metadata file,
    filename, given follower_count as the number of Instagram followers for
    the brand.

    Returns a decimal engagement rate rounded to 4 decimal places. Python's
    standard `round` function should be used. E.g.:

    >>> engagement('instagram/volvocars.json', volvocars_follower_count)
    engagement = [] #set empty list for like counts
    data = filename #store filename to variable
    with open(data) as f: #save open file as outfile
        parse = json.load(f)
        for n in range(0,200):
            likes = parse["GraphImages"][n]["edge_media_preview_like"]["count"] #find count
            if likes > 1:
                    engagement.append(likes) #add count to engagement
            comments = parse["GraphImages"][n]["edge_media_to_comment"]["count"] #find other count
            if comments > 1: 
                    engagement.append(comments) #add count
            engage_perc = (sum(engagement)/len(range(0,200)))/follower_count #sum all counts and divide by the number of followers
        return round(engage_perc,4)