如何在 Jupyter notebook 中输入 "Yes" 或 "No"

How to key in "Yes" or "No" in Jupyter notebook

我已经提到了这个 and this 。但这并不能解决我的问题。请不要将其标记为重复

我正在尝试 运行 Jupyter Notebook 中的以下代码与 R kernel

model_predictors <- buildModel(flag, fv_full_data, outcomeName, folder)


Model about to be built   # this is log message and not error

1 package is needed for this model and is not installed. (randomForest). Would you like to try to install it now?    # here I see that it asks for a question but without my input it selects `No`
Error: Required package is missing

1. buildModel(flag, fv_full_data, outcomeName, folder)
2. train(x = trainDF[, predictorsNames], y = factor(trainLabels), 
 .     method = "rf", metric = "Fscore", trControl = objControl, 
 .     tuneGrid = rf_grid, preProcess = c("center", "scale"))
3. train.default(x = trainDF[, predictorsNames], y = factor(trainLabels), 
 .     method = "rf", metric = "Fscore", trControl = objControl, 
 .     tuneGrid = rf_grid, preProcess = c("center", "scale"))
4. checkInstall(models$library)
5. stop("Required package is missing", call. = FALSE)

如何避免此错误并防止 jupyter 选择 No 作为动态提示的默认值?

在您的示例中,您实际上永远不会到达处理输入的代码部分。这些输入仅发生在交互式会话中——而 Jupyter 则不是。您可以查看


menu(c("yes", "no"))
#> Error in menu(c("yes", "no")): menu() cannot be used non-interactively
#> Traceback:
#> 1. menu(c("yes", "no"))
#> 2. stop("menu() cannot be used non-interactively")

caret::checkInstall 打印出消息“Would you like to try to install x now?”,但它只接受交互式会话的输入。

这是 caret::checkInstall 的代码和我的评论。

function (pkg) 
    good <- rep(TRUE, length(pkg))
    for (i in seq(along = pkg)) {
        tested <- try(find.package(pkg[i]), silent = TRUE)
        if (inherits(tested, "try-error")) 
            good[i] <- FALSE
    if (any(!good)) {
        pkList <- paste(pkg[!good], collapse = ", ")
        msg <- paste(sum(!good), ifelse(sum(!good) > 1, " packages are", 
            " package is"), " needed for this model and", 
            ifelse(sum(!good) > 1, " are", " is"), 
            " not installed. (", pkList, "). Would you like to try to install", 
            ifelse(sum(!good) > 1, " them", " it"), 
            " now?", sep = "")
        cat(msg) # Print the message
        if (interactive()) { # In Jupyter, `interactive()` is `FALSE`.
            bioc <- c("affy", "logicFS", "gpls", 
            installChoice <- menu(c("yes", "no")) # This is where it gets input
            if (installChoice == 1) {
                hasBioc <- any(pkg[!good] %in% bioc)
                if (!hasBioc) {
                else {
                  inst <- pkg[!good]
                  instC <- inst[!(inst %in% bioc)]
                  instB <- inst[inst %in% bioc]
                  if (length(instC) > 0) 
                  biocLite <- NULL
            else stop("Required package is missing", call. = FALSE)
        else stop("Required package is missing", call. = FALSE) # Because `interactive()` is `FALSE`, this `stop` is called

对于您的情况,install.packages("randomForest") 是最佳选择。

如果你在 RStudio,你可以像这样使用 rstudioapi

f <- function() {
  menu(c("yes", "no"))
#> 1: yes
#> 2: no
#> Selection: 1
#> [1] 1