兑换 RDOSession 需要 email-programm?

Redemption RDOSession needs email-programm?

我尝试将 Redemption 与 vbScript 一起使用,但没有安装 Outlook,因为主页显示:

RDO (Redemption Data Objects) library is designed to be used as a complete Outlook Object Model (OOM) or CDO 1.21 replacement. This family of objects is designed to be used standalone, but it can of course still be used along with your existing Outlook Object Model code. http://dimastr.com/redemption/home.htm


Set Session = CreateObject("Redemption.RDOSession")


操作系统是 Windows Server 2016 Standard。

我的问题:我是否需要 Outlook?或者我做错了什么?

非常感谢 彼得

是的,由于 Redemption 是扩展 MAPI 系统的包装器,因此需要安装 MAPI,这意味着还必须安装 Outlook。

还要确保代码的位数与 Outlook 的位数匹配 - 请参阅 http://www.dimastr.com/redemption/faq.htm#ErrorCreatingRedemptionObject