如何将 MediatorLiveData 与抽象源一起使用

How to use MediatorLiveData with an abstract source

我有一个抽象 class,里面有一个 MediatorLiveData 对象。此对象有多个来源,其中之一取决于子项 class,并且在父项 class 中是 abstract。 在 init 块中添加源会在运行时导致 NullPointerException,因为在 init 块添加源时,它仍然是抽象的(或者我被引导相信)。

有没有一种方法可以使用 abstract LiveData 作为 MediatorLiveData 的源,而不必在子 class 中设置该源?我只想 override val 并完成它,因为我肯定会忘记在将来的某个时间调用 addSources() 函数。



abstract class MyClass: ViewModel(){
    private val _myMediator = MediatorLiveData<String>()
    protected abstract val mySource: LiveData<String>
    val myObservable: LiveData<String>
        get() = _myMediator
    // This will cause a NullPointerException at runtime
        _myMediator.addSource(mySource){ _myMediator.value = it }
    //This should work, but requires this to be called in child class
    protected fun addSources(){
        _myMediator.addSource(mySource){ _myMediator.value = it }

class myChild: MyClass(){
    override val mySource = Transformations.map(myRepository.someData) { it.toString() }
    // This is where init { addSources() } would be called

阅读 Stachu 的答案后,我决定使用这个,我没有测试但我认为它应该有效:

abstract class MyFixedClass: ViewModel(){
    private val _myMediator: MediatorLiveData<String> by lazy{
            addSource(mySource){ this.value = it }

    protected abstract val mySource: LiveData<String>

    val myObservable: LiveData<String>
        get() = _myMediator

class MyChild: MyFixedClass(){
    override val mySource = Transformations.map(myRepository.someData) { it.toString() }


abstract class MyClass : ViewModel() {
    private val _myMediator = MediatorLiveData<String>()
    private val _mySource: LiveData<String> by lazy { mySource() }
    protected abstract fun mySource(): LiveData<String>
    val myObservable: LiveData<String>
        get() = _myMediator
    init {
        _myMediator.addSource(_mySource) { _myMediator.value = it }

class myChild : MyClass() {
    override fun mySource() = Transformations.map(myRepository.someData) { it.toString() }