如何使用 bash 批量检索 Airflow 连接? (Google 作曲家)

How to retrieve Airflow connections in bulk using bash? (Google Composer)

我正在尝试使用基础架构即代码 的方法创建作曲家环境。 为此,我需要能够以编程方式存储和检索气流变量,并在某处对它们进行版本控制。

以下命令让我列出指定 $COMPOSER_ENV

gcloud composer environments run `$COMPOSER_ENV` --location <location> connections -- --list


│ Conn Id                        │ Conn Type                   │ Host                           │ Port   │ Is Encrypted   │ Is Extra Encrypted   │ Extra                          │
│ 'airflow_db'                   │ 'mysql'                     │ 'airflow-sqlp...rvice.default' │ None   │ True           │ False                │ None                           │
│ 'beeline_default'              │ 'beeline'                   │ 'localhost'                    │ 10000  │ False          │ True                 │ 'gAAAAABfdZs0...yjt7nj1C2Dzgm' │
│ 'bigquery_default'             │ 'google_cloud_platform'     │ None                           │ None   │ False          │ True                 │ 'gAAAAABfdZs2...AOdwY-EnZLg==' │
│ 'local_mysql'                  │ 'mysql'                     │ 'localhost'                    │ None   │ True           │ False                │ None                           │
│ 'presto_default'               │ 'presto'                    │ 'localhost'                    │ 3400   │ False          │ False                │ None                           │
│ 'google_cloud_default'         │ 'google_cloud_platform'     │ None                           │ None   │ False          │ True                 │ 'gAAAAABfdZs2...oMm2saUwAxQ==' │
│ 'hive_cli_default'             │ 'hive_cli'                  │ None                           │ None   │ False          │ False                │ None                           │
│ 'pig_cli_default'              │ 'pig_cli'                   │ None                           │ None   │ False          │ False                │ None                           │
│ 'hiveserver2_default'          │ 'hiveserver2'               │ 'localhost'                    │ 10000  │ False          │ False                │ None                           │
│ 'metastore_default'            │ 'hive_metastore'            │ 'localhost'                    │ 9083   │ False          │ True                 │ 'gAAAAABfdZs0...vNSgFh1mE1HY=' │
│ 'mongo_default'                │ 'mongo'                     │ 'mongo'                        │ 27017  │ False          │ False                │ None                           │
│ 'mysql_default'                │ 'mysql'                     │ 'mysql'                        │ None   │ False          │ False                │ None                           │
│ 'postgres_default'             │ 'postgres'                  │ 'postgres'                     │ None   │ True           │ False                │ None                           │
│ 'sqlite_default'               │ 'sqlite'                    │ '/tmp/sqlite_default.db'       │ None   │ False          │ False                │ None                           │
│ 'http_default'                 │ 'http'                      │ 'https://www.httpbin.org/'     │ None   │ False          │ False                │ None                           │
│ 'mssql_default'                │ 'mssql'                     │ 'localhost'                    │ 1433   │ False          │ False                │ None                           │
│ 'vertica_default'              │ 'vertica'                   │ 'localhost'                    │ 5433   │ False          │ False                │ None                           │
│ 'wasb_default'                 │ 'wasb'                      │ None                           │ None   │ False          │ True                 │ 'gAAAAABfdZs0...ST7E2347-uG4=' │
│ 'webhdfs_default'              │ 'hdfs'                      │ 'localhost'                    │ 50070  │ False          │ False                │ None                           │
│ 'ssh_default'                  │ 'ssh'                       │ 'localhost'                    │ None   │ False          │ False                │ None                           │
│ 'sftp_default'                 │ 'sftp'                      │ 'localhost'                    │ 22     │ False          │ True                 │ 'gAAAAABfdZs0...guLrr1ky5XpN2' │
│ 'fs_default'                   │ 'fs'                        │ None                           │ None   │ False          │ True                 │ 'gAAAAABfdZs0...WqhP9ZLa8gQ==' │
│ 'aws_default'                  │ 'aws'                       │ None                           │ None   │ False          │ False                │ None                           │
│ 'spark_default'                │ 'spark'                     │ 'yarn'                         │ None   │ False          │ True                 │ 'gAAAAABfdZs0...18ws2BelkcL8=' │
│ 'druid_broker_default'         │ 'druid'                     │ 'druid-broker'                 │ 8082   │ False          │ True                 │ 'gAAAAABfdZs0...sC6Kcd9mOKhE=' │
│ 'druid_ingest_default'         │ 'druid'                     │ 'druid-overlord'               │ 8081   │ False          │ True                 │ 'gAAAAABfdZs0...CpBdCkHuk5lqw' │
│ 'redis_default'                │ 'redis'                     │ 'redis'                        │ 6379   │ False          │ True                 │ 'gAAAAABfdZs0...E1qdjhMngIg==' │
│ 'sqoop_default'                │ 'sqoop'                     │ 'rmdbs'                        │ None   │ False          │ False                │ ''                             │
│ 'emr_default'                  │ 'emr'                       │ None                           │ None   │ False          │ True                 │ 'gAAAAABfdZs0...GsJIS8IjaBuM=' │
│ 'databricks_default'           │ 'databricks'                │ 'localhost'                    │ None   │ False          │ False                │ None                           │
│ 'qubole_default'               │ 'qubole'                    │ 'localhost'                    │ None   │ False          │ False                │ None                           │
│ 'segment_default'              │ 'segment'                   │ None                           │ None   │ False          │ True                 │ 'gAAAAABfdZs0...oawClUj4Qzj8i' │
│ 'azure_data_lake_default'      │ 'azure_data_lake'           │ None                           │ None   │ False          │ True                 │ 'gAAAAABfdZs0...DMIAMmOeZNg==' │
│ 'azure_cosmos_default'         │ 'azure_cosmos'              │ None                           │ None   │ False          │ True                 │ 'gAAAAABfdZs0...tusOfGrWviAk=' │
│ 'azure_contai...ances_default' │ 'azure_container_instances' │ None                           │ None   │ False          │ True                 │ 'gAAAAABfdZs0...q460BKvTu4Lk=' │
│ 'cassandra_default'            │ 'cassandra'                 │ 'cassandra'                    │ 9042   │ False          │ False                │ None                           │
│ 'dingding_default'             │ 'http'                      │ ''                             │ None   │ False          │ False                │ None                           │
│ 'opsgenie_default'             │ 'http'                      │ ''                             │ None   │ False          │ False                │ None                           │
│ 'google_cloud...store_default' │ 'google_cloud_platform'     │ None                           │ None   │ False          │ True                 │ 'gAAAAABfdZs2...ltsxQHWUgxA==' │
│ 'google_cloud_storage_default' │ 'google_cloud_platform'     │ None                           │ None   │ False          │ True                 │ 'gAAAAABfdZs2...RNLazPEE7gQ==' │

此输出的问题在于它 return 几乎无法使用 table 数据(见下图)。理想情况下,它应该 return 一个 json 结构。

此外,如果您对 awk/grep 模式有任何补充说明,我们将不胜感激。

据我所知,您想将连接导出到 .json 文件。


airflow connections export connections.json


airflow connections export /tmp/connections --format json

.json 格式使用架构,

  "airflow_db": {
    "conn_type": "mysql",
    "host": "mysql",
    "login": "root",
    "password": "plainpassword",
    "schema": "airflow",
    "port": null,
    "extra": null
  "druid_broker_default": {
    "conn_type": "druid",
    "host": "druid-broker",
    "login": null,
    "password": null,
    "schema": null,
    "port": 8082,
    "extra": "{\"endpoint\": \"druid/v2/sql\"}"


使用 cat file 而不是您的 gcloud 命令,我不必在您的问题中生成 table:

$ cat tst.awk
!/[[:space:]]/ {
    # Skip all lines that separate the data rows
(++nr) == 1 {
    # Set FS to whatever the combination of control chars is at the start of the first data line
    FS = "[[:blank:]]*" substr([=10=],1,RLENGTH) "[[:blank:]]*"
    # Get rid of the FSs at the start and end of the line to avoid leading/trailing null fields
    gsub("^" FS "|" FS "$","")
nr == 1 {
    # Store the header lines for later use
    for (i=1; i<=NF; i++) {
        hdr[i] = $i
    print "{"
    # Print the json-equivalent for the data on the current line
    printf "%s  %s: {\n", (nr>2 ? ",\n" : ""), 
    for (i=2; i<=NF; i++) {
        printf "    \"%s\": %s%s\n", hdr[i], $i, (i<NF ? "," : "")
    printf "  }", 
    print "\n}"

$ cat file | awk -f tst.awk
  "airflow_db": {
    "Conn_Type": "mysql",
    "Host": "airflow-sqlp...rvice.default",
    "Port": None,
    "Is_Encrypted": True,
    "Is_Extra_Encrypted": False,
    "Extra": None
  "beeline_default": {
    "Conn_Type": "beeline",
    "Host": "localhost",
    "Port": 10000,
    "Is_Encrypted": False,
    "Is_Extra_Encrypted": True,
    "Extra": "gAAAAABfdZs0...yjt7nj1C2Dzgm"
  "bigquery_default": {
    "Conn_Type": "google_cloud_platform",
    "Host": None,
    "Port": None,
    "Is_Encrypted": False,
    "Is_Extra_Encrypted": True,
    "Extra": "gAAAAABfdZs2...AOdwY-EnZLg=="
  "local_mysql": {
    "Conn_Type": "mysql",
    "Host": "localhost",
    "Port": None,
    "Is_Encrypted": True,
    "Is_Extra_Encrypted": False,
    "Extra": None
  "presto_default": {
    "Conn_Type": "presto",
    "Host": "localhost",
    "Port": 3400,
    "Is_Encrypted": False,
    "Is_Extra_Encrypted": False,
    "Extra": None
  "google_cloud_default": {
    "Conn_Type": "google_cloud_platform",
    "Host": None,
    "Port": None,
    "Is_Encrypted": False,
    "Is_Extra_Encrypted": True,
    "Extra": "gAAAAABfdZs2...oMm2saUwAxQ=="
  "hive_cli_default": {
    "Conn_Type": "hive_cli",
    "Host": None,
    "Port": None,
    "Is_Encrypted": False,
    "Is_Extra_Encrypted": False,
    "Extra": None
  "pig_cli_default": {
    "Conn_Type": "pig_cli",
    "Host": None,
    "Port": None,
    "Is_Encrypted": False,
    "Is_Extra_Encrypted": False,
    "Extra": None
  "hiveserver2_default": {
    "Conn_Type": "hiveserver2",
    "Host": "localhost",
    "Port": 10000,
    "Is_Encrypted": False,
    "Is_Extra_Encrypted": False,
    "Extra": None
  "metastore_default": {
    "Conn_Type": "hive_metastore",
    "Host": "localhost",
    "Port": 9083,
    "Is_Encrypted": False,
    "Is_Extra_Encrypted": True,
    "Extra": "gAAAAABfdZs0...vNSgFh1mE1HY="
  "mongo_default": {
    "Conn_Type": "mongo",
    "Host": "mongo",
    "Port": 27017,
    "Is_Encrypted": False,
    "Is_Extra_Encrypted": False,
    "Extra": None
  "mysql_default": {
    "Conn_Type": "mysql",
    "Host": "mysql",
    "Port": None,
    "Is_Encrypted": False,
    "Is_Extra_Encrypted": False,
    "Extra": None
  "postgres_default": {
    "Conn_Type": "postgres",
    "Host": "postgres",
    "Port": None,
    "Is_Encrypted": True,
    "Is_Extra_Encrypted": False,
    "Extra": None
  "sqlite_default": {
    "Conn_Type": "sqlite",
    "Host": "/tmp/sqlite_default.db",
    "Port": None,
    "Is_Encrypted": False,
    "Is_Extra_Encrypted": False,
    "Extra": None
  "http_default": {
    "Conn_Type": "http",
    "Host": "https://www.httpbin.org/",
    "Port": None,
    "Is_Encrypted": False,
    "Is_Extra_Encrypted": False,
    "Extra": None
  "mssql_default": {
    "Conn_Type": "mssql",
    "Host": "localhost",
    "Port": 1433,
    "Is_Encrypted": False,
    "Is_Extra_Encrypted": False,
    "Extra": None
  "vertica_default": {
    "Conn_Type": "vertica",
    "Host": "localhost",
    "Port": 5433,
    "Is_Encrypted": False,
    "Is_Extra_Encrypted": False,
    "Extra": None
  "wasb_default": {
    "Conn_Type": "wasb",
    "Host": None,
    "Port": None,
    "Is_Encrypted": False,
    "Is_Extra_Encrypted": True,
    "Extra": "gAAAAABfdZs0...ST7E2347-uG4="
  "webhdfs_default": {
    "Conn_Type": "hdfs",
    "Host": "localhost",
    "Port": 50070,
    "Is_Encrypted": False,
    "Is_Extra_Encrypted": False,
    "Extra": None
  "ssh_default": {
    "Conn_Type": "ssh",
    "Host": "localhost",
    "Port": None,
    "Is_Encrypted": False,
    "Is_Extra_Encrypted": False,
    "Extra": None
  "sftp_default": {
    "Conn_Type": "sftp",
    "Host": "localhost",
    "Port": 22,
    "Is_Encrypted": False,
    "Is_Extra_Encrypted": True,
    "Extra": "gAAAAABfdZs0...guLrr1ky5XpN2"
  "fs_default": {
    "Conn_Type": "fs",
    "Host": None,
    "Port": None,
    "Is_Encrypted": False,
    "Is_Extra_Encrypted": True,
    "Extra": "gAAAAABfdZs0...WqhP9ZLa8gQ=="
  "aws_default": {
    "Conn_Type": "aws",
    "Host": None,
    "Port": None,
    "Is_Encrypted": False,
    "Is_Extra_Encrypted": False,
    "Extra": None
  "spark_default": {
    "Conn_Type": "spark",
    "Host": "yarn",
    "Port": None,
    "Is_Encrypted": False,
    "Is_Extra_Encrypted": True,
    "Extra": "gAAAAABfdZs0...18ws2BelkcL8="
  "druid_broker_default": {
    "Conn_Type": "druid",
    "Host": "druid-broker",
    "Port": 8082,
    "Is_Encrypted": False,
    "Is_Extra_Encrypted": True,
    "Extra": "gAAAAABfdZs0...sC6Kcd9mOKhE="
  "druid_ingest_default": {
    "Conn_Type": "druid",
    "Host": "druid-overlord",
    "Port": 8081,
    "Is_Encrypted": False,
    "Is_Extra_Encrypted": True,
    "Extra": "gAAAAABfdZs0...CpBdCkHuk5lqw"
  "redis_default": {
    "Conn_Type": "redis",
    "Host": "redis",
    "Port": 6379,
    "Is_Encrypted": False,
    "Is_Extra_Encrypted": True,
    "Extra": "gAAAAABfdZs0...E1qdjhMngIg=="
  "sqoop_default": {
    "Conn_Type": "sqoop",
    "Host": "rmdbs",
    "Port": None,
    "Is_Encrypted": False,
    "Is_Extra_Encrypted": False,
    "Extra": ""
  "emr_default": {
    "Conn_Type": "emr",
    "Host": None,
    "Port": None,
    "Is_Encrypted": False,
    "Is_Extra_Encrypted": True,
    "Extra": "gAAAAABfdZs0...GsJIS8IjaBuM="
  "databricks_default": {
    "Conn_Type": "databricks",
    "Host": "localhost",
    "Port": None,
    "Is_Encrypted": False,
    "Is_Extra_Encrypted": False,
    "Extra": None
  "qubole_default": {
    "Conn_Type": "qubole",
    "Host": "localhost",
    "Port": None,
    "Is_Encrypted": False,
    "Is_Extra_Encrypted": False,
    "Extra": None
  "segment_default": {
    "Conn_Type": "segment",
    "Host": None,
    "Port": None,
    "Is_Encrypted": False,
    "Is_Extra_Encrypted": True,
    "Extra": "gAAAAABfdZs0...oawClUj4Qzj8i"
  "azure_data_lake_default": {
    "Conn_Type": "azure_data_lake",
    "Host": None,
    "Port": None,
    "Is_Encrypted": False,
    "Is_Extra_Encrypted": True,
    "Extra": "gAAAAABfdZs0...DMIAMmOeZNg=="
  "azure_cosmos_default": {
    "Conn_Type": "azure_cosmos",
    "Host": None,
    "Port": None,
    "Is_Encrypted": False,
    "Is_Extra_Encrypted": True,
    "Extra": "gAAAAABfdZs0...tusOfGrWviAk="
  "azure_contai...ances_default": {
    "Conn_Type": "azure_container_instances",
    "Host": None,
    "Port": None,
    "Is_Encrypted": False,
    "Is_Extra_Encrypted": True,
    "Extra": "gAAAAABfdZs0...q460BKvTu4Lk="
  "cassandra_default": {
    "Conn_Type": "cassandra",
    "Host": "cassandra",
    "Port": 9042,
    "Is_Encrypted": False,
    "Is_Extra_Encrypted": False,
    "Extra": None
  "dingding_default": {
    "Conn_Type": "http",
    "Host": "",
    "Port": None,
    "Is_Encrypted": False,
    "Is_Extra_Encrypted": False,
    "Extra": None
  "opsgenie_default": {
    "Conn_Type": "http",
    "Host": "",
    "Port": None,
    "Is_Encrypted": False,
    "Is_Extra_Encrypted": False,
    "Extra": None
  "google_cloud...store_default": {
    "Conn_Type": "google_cloud_platform",
    "Host": None,
    "Port": None,
    "Is_Encrypted": False,
    "Is_Extra_Encrypted": True,
    "Extra": "gAAAAABfdZs2...ltsxQHWUgxA=="
  "google_cloud_storage_default": {
    "Conn_Type": "google_cloud_platform",
    "Host": None,
    "Port": None,
    "Is_Encrypted": False,
    "Is_Extra_Encrypted": True,
    "Extra": "gAAAAABfdZs2...RNLazPEE7gQ=="

请注意,idk 是否确实有效json,我只是将文本块从您输入的位置移动到输出的位置。希望您可以轻松地进行所需的任何更改,以生成您实际想要获得的任何输出(您的问题中缺少)。

气流 1

  1. 连接到正确的 pod
gcloud container clusters get-credentials PROJECT_PATH  --zone ZONE

PROJECT_PATH 类似于 projects/..../..gke :这是环境详细信息部分中 GKE 集群字段的值

kubectl get pods --all-namespaces
  1. 从 NAMESPACE 列中获取 composer-* 行的名称,从 NAME 列中获取 airflow-worker-* 行的名称。然后连接worker如下:
kubectl exec -itn composer-1-10-0-airflow-1-10-6-5983e0fe airflow-worker-8d8c49c87-9v7c4 -- /bin/bash
  1. 进入 worker 后,连接到数据库 shell。
airflow shell

注意:如果shell命令不可用,请使用https://cloud.google.com/composer/docs/access-airflow-database#airflow-1上的指令访问数据库。 然后 运行 SQL

select   json_arrayagg(
             'id', id,
             'conn_id', conn_id,
             'conn_type', conn_type,
             'host', host,
             'extra', extra,
             'is_encrypted', is_encrypted,
             'is_extra_encrypted', is_extra_encrypted,
             'schema',IFNULL(`schema`, null)
        ) as json_result
from (select * from connection  ) x;