抱歉,您已达到 Lightsail 实例的最大限制:2

Sorry, you've reached your maximum limit of Lightsail Instances : 2

在普通账户(无 AWS 免费套餐)中,当尝试在同一区域创建两个以上的 Lightsail 实例时,我得到

CreateInstances [eu-west-2]

Sorry, you've reached your maximum limit of Lightsail Instances : 2. If you're new to Lightsail, please try again later. If the issue persists, please contact Customer Support.

事实是,在 Service Quotas 页面中可以看到每个区域的实例数是 20。

可以看到 I can request an increase 在此限制内并且可以在不同的位置创建实例 - 我已经测试过并且这是允许的 - 但希望所有 services/products 都在同一区域所以这不是我的选择)。

我不应该被允许每个区域 20 个吗?我在这里错过了什么?

如错误消息中所述,考虑到我是 Lightsail 的新手(使用时间不到一个月),将“稍后再试”并查看是否能解决问题。

按照 John Rotenstein 的建议,我转到 AWS's Contact Page 并在 Billing/Account 支持下提出了 2020-10-03 一个案例,其中包含以下文本

Hi AWS support team

In a normal account (no AWS Free Tier), when attempting to create more than two Lightsail instances in the same region I get

> "CreateInstances [eu-west-2]
> Sorry, you've reached your maximum limit of Lightsail Instances : 2. If you're new to Lightsail, please try again later. If the issue persists, please contact Customer Support."

Thing is, in the Service Quotas page can read that the Number of instances per Region is 20. Shouldn't I be allowed 20 per region? What am I missing here?

As stated in the error message, considering I'm new to Lightsail (less than one month of usage), I "tried again" after 8 hours and then after 21 hours but the problem remained and hence the question.

Tiago Peres


Thank you for reaching us regarding this matter, and we apologize for any inconvenience. In order to reach a resolution to this matter, I have engaged our Service Team to dive deep into this request.

Rest assured, I have shared the necessary details to make sure that the investigation is completed as effectively as possible, if there's any information missing from your end I will be reaching you directly.

Since I understand how important this is for you, I will be requesting periodical updates in order to ensure a prompt resolution. Once we have received information, we will be reaching back to you.

问题现已解决。 LightSail 实例的限制已成功更新为欧盟(伦敦)区域的 20 个。

就我而言,我提交了请求更多实例的支持票。在几个 NEXT 按钮之后,聊天中的支持人员告诉我: “请再次检查”。 他说,在提交更多实例的请求后,您的帐户会有一个验证过程。这需要几分钟。 我只是再次尝试了同样的方法,它成功了。