ECS 任务定义与 K8S 中的 POD 规范或多或少相同吗

Is ECS Task Definition more or less same as POD specification in K8S

我指的是这篇关于 ECS 任务定义的文章:Amazon ECS Task definitions

The Docker image to use with each container in your task

How much CPU and memory to use with each task or each container within a task

The launch type to use, which determines the infrastructure on which your tasks are hosted

The Docker networking mode to use for the containers in your task

The logging configuration to use for your tasks

Whether the task should continue to run if the container finishes or fails

The command the container should run when it is started

Any data volumes that should be used with the containers in the task

The IAM role that your tasks should use

如果我必须得出与其他编排框架的任何相似之处,以上似乎与 Kubernetes pod 非常匹配。

那么,ECS的Task Definition和K8S中的POD规范是不是差不多????

简短的回答是肯定的,但更类似于部署而不是 pods。

更长的答案是,ECS 任务定义是一种将容器集成到 AWS 生态系统并向 ECS 控制平面提供配置和元数据信息的方式,这是 AWS 的专利

在我看来,任务定义类似于 pod 而不是部署。因为在kubernetes中deployment定义了pod/instances的replication,而pod只是定义了一个instance的模板,可能包含了几个container,但是pod是kubernetes中的最小单位。在aws中,任务定义了服务最小单元的模板,服务定义了任务的复制。

所以 pod = 任务,部署 = 任务。这只是我的理解。可能不完全是。