
How do you pause between text in this code?



var snd: textStory = new textStory();
var snd2: soundStory = new soundStory();
var myString: String = "Long ago, two races\nruled over Earth:\nHUMANS and MONSTERS.";
var myArray: Array = myString.split("");
addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, frameLooper);
function frameLooper(event: Event): void {
    if (myArray.length > 0) {
        if (n == 1) {
            n = 0;
        } else {
    } else {
        removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, frameLooper);

我想是这样的。这是一个 data-driven 解决方案,您可以在其中准备适当的数据输入,以便您的主循环(ENTER_FRAME 处理程序在您的情况下)不必考虑太多一次只处理一个数据条目。

var E:Array = [""];

// It is considered a good tone to name classes
// starting with uppercase: TextStory, SoundStory.
var snd: textStory = new textStory();
var snd2: soundStory = new soundStory();

var laString:String = "Long ago";
var myString:String = ", two races\nruled over Earth:\nHUMANS and MONSTERS.";

var myArray:Array = new Array;

// Here we form an Array that starts with "Long ago"
// then 20 empty entries to skip, then the rest.
myArray = myArray.concat(tocharArray(laString));
myArray = myArray.concat(emptySpaces(20));
myArray = myArray.concat(tocharArray(myString));


addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, frameLooper);
function frameLooper(event: Event): void
    if (myArray.length < 1)
        removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, frameLooper);
    var aChar:String = myArray.shift();
    // Just skip a frame if there's an empty character.
    if (aChar == "")
    // Make no typing sound on space characters... I guess?
    if (aChar != " ")

// Returns an Array ["", "", "", ... , ""] of the given length.
function emptySpaces(length:int):Array
    // This doubles E as many times as needed
    // to allow us to make a slice long enough. 
    while (E.length < length)
        E = E.concat(E);
    // Returns a portion of E of the given length.
    return E.slice(0, length);

// Converts the given String into an Array
// of characters and empty "" entries.
function tocharArray(value:String):Array
    var result:Array = new Array;
    for (var i:int = 0; i < value.length; i++)
        // You can put more or less "" here to make the
        // typing loop skip more than a single
        // frame after typing a character.
        result.push(value.charAt(i), "", "");
    return result;