如何覆盖 mpl_toolkits.mplot3d.Axes3D.draw() 方法?
How to override mpl_toolkits.mplot3d.Axes3D.draw() method?
我正在做一个小项目,需要解决 matplotlib
中的一个错误,以便修复一些 ax.patches
和 ax.collections
的 zorders。更确切地说,ax.patches
是可在 space 中旋转的符号,而 ax.collections
是 ax.voxels
的边(因此文本必须放在它们上面)。到目前为止,我知道 mpl_toolkits.mplot3d.Axes3D
的 draw
方法中隐藏了一个错误:每次我以不希望的方式移动图表时,都会重新计算 zorder
。所以我决定在这些行中更改 draw
for i, col in enumerate(
key=lambda col: col.do_3d_projection(renderer),
#col.zorder = zorder_offset + i #comment this line
col.zorder = col.stable_zorder + i #add this extra line
for i, patch in enumerate(
key=lambda patch: patch.do_3d_projection(renderer),
#patch.zorder = zorder_offset + i #comment this line
patch.zorder = patch.stable_zorder + i #add this extra line
假定 ax.collection
和 ax.patch
的每个对象都有一个 stable_attribute
,这是在我的项目中手动分配的。所以每次我 运行 我的项目时,我必须确保手动更改 mpl_toolkits.mplot3d.Axes3D.draw
这是我项目的 MWE:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
#from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D
import mpl_toolkits.mplot3d.art3d as art3d
from matplotlib.text import TextPath
from matplotlib.transforms import Affine2D
from matplotlib.patches import PathPatch
class VisualArray:
def __init__(self, arr, fig=None, ax=None):
if len(arr.shape) == 1:
arr = arr[None,None,:]
elif len(arr.shape) == 2:
arr = arr[None,:,:]
elif len(arr.shape) > 3:
raise NotImplementedError('More than 3 dimensions is not supported')
self.arr = arr
if fig is None:
self.fig = plt.figure()
self.fig = fig
if ax is None:
self.ax = self.fig.gca(projection='3d')
self.ax = ax
self.ax.azim, self.ax.elev = -120, 30
self.colors = None
def text3d(self, xyz, s, zdir="z", zorder=1, size=None, angle=0, usetex=False, **kwargs):
d = {'-x': np.array([[-1.0, 0.0, 0], [0.0, 1.0, 0.0], [0, 0.0, -1]]),
'-y': np.array([[0.0, 1.0, 0], [-1.0, 0.0, 0.0], [0, 0.0, 1]]),
'-z': np.array([[1.0, 0.0, 0], [0.0, -1.0, 0.0], [0, 0.0, -1]])}
x, y, z = xyz
if "y" in zdir:
x, y, z = x, z, y
elif "x" in zdir:
x, y, z = y, z, x
elif "z" in zdir:
x, y, z = x, y, z
text_path = TextPath((-0.5, -0.5), s, size=size, usetex=usetex)
aff = Affine2D()
trans = aff.rotate(angle)
# apply additional rotation of text_paths if side is dark
if '-' in zdir:
trans._mtx = np.dot(d[zdir], trans._mtx)
trans = trans.translate(x, y)
p = PathPatch(trans.transform_path(text_path), **kwargs)
art3d.pathpatch_2d_to_3d(p, z=z, zdir=zdir)
p.stable_zorder = zorder
return p
def on_rotation(self, event):
vrot_idx = [self.ax.elev > 0, True].index(True)
v_zorders = 10000 * np.array([(1, -1), (-1, 1)])[vrot_idx]
for side, zorder in zip((self.side1, self.side4), v_zorders):
for patch in side:
patch.stable_zorder = zorder
hrot_idx = [self.ax.azim < -90, self.ax.azim < 0, self.ax.azim < 90, True].index(True)
h_zorders = 10000 * np.array([(1, 1, -1, -1), (-1, 1, 1, -1),
(-1, -1, 1, 1), (1, -1, -1, 1)])[hrot_idx]
sides = (self.side3, self.side2, self.side6, self.side5)
for side, zorder in zip(sides, h_zorders):
for patch in side:
patch.stable_zorder = zorder
def voxelize(self):
shape = self.arr.shape[::-1]
x, y, z = np.indices(shape)
arr = (x < shape[0]) & (y < shape[1]) & (z < shape[2])
self.ax.voxels(arr, facecolors=self.colors, edgecolor='k')
for col in self.ax.collections:
col.stable_zorder = col.zorder
def labelize(self):
self.fig.canvas.mpl_connect('motion_notify_event', self.on_rotation)
s = self.arr.shape
self.side1, self.side2, self.side3, self.side4, self.side5, self.side6 = [], [], [], [], [], []
# labelling surfaces of side1 and side4
surf = np.indices((s[2], s[1])).T[::-1].reshape(-1, 2) + 0.5
surf_pos1 = np.insert(surf, 2, self.arr.shape[0], axis=1)
surf_pos2 = np.insert(surf, 2, 0, axis=1)
labels1 = (self.arr[0]).flatten()
labels2 = (self.arr[-1]).flatten()
for xyz, label in zip(surf_pos1, [f'${n}$' for n in labels1]):
t = self.text3d(xyz, label, zdir="z", zorder=10000, size=1, usetex=True, ec="none", fc="k")
for xyz, label in zip(surf_pos2, [f'${n}$' for n in labels2]):
t = self.text3d(xyz, label, zdir="-z", zorder=-10000, size=1, usetex=True, ec="none", fc="k")
# labelling surfaces of side2 and side5
surf = np.indices((s[2], s[0])).T[::-1].reshape(-1, 2) + 0.5
surf_pos1 = np.insert(surf, 1, 0, axis=1)
surf = np.indices((s[0], s[2])).T[::-1].reshape(-1, 2) + 0.5
surf_pos2 = np.insert(surf, 1, self.arr.shape[1], axis=1)
labels1 = (self.arr[:, -1]).flatten()
labels2 = (self.arr[::-1, 0].T[::-1]).flatten()
for xyz, label in zip(surf_pos1, [f'${n}$' for n in labels1]):
t = self.text3d(xyz, label, zdir="y", zorder=10000, size=1, usetex=True, ec="none", fc="k")
for xyz, label in zip(surf_pos2, [f'${n}$' for n in labels2]):
t = self.text3d(xyz, label, zdir="-y", zorder=-10000, size=1, usetex=True, ec="none", fc="k")
# labelling surfaces of side3 and side6
surf = np.indices((s[1], s[0])).T[::-1].reshape(-1, 2) + 0.5
surf_pos1 = np.insert(surf, 0, self.arr.shape[2], axis=1)
surf_pos2 = np.insert(surf, 0, 0, axis=1)
labels1 = (self.arr[:, ::-1, -1]).flatten()
labels2 = (self.arr[:, ::-1, 0]).flatten()
for xyz, label in zip(surf_pos1, [f'${n}$' for n in labels1]):
t = self.text3d(xyz, label, zdir="x", zorder=-10000, size=1, usetex=True, ec="none", fc="k")
for xyz, label in zip(surf_pos2, [f'${n}$' for n in labels2]):
t = self.text3d(xyz, label, zdir="-x", zorder=10000, size=1, usetex=True, ec="none", fc="k")
def vizualize(self):
arr = np.arange(60).reshape((2,6,5))
va = VisualArray(arr)
这是我在外部更改 ...\mpl_toolkits\mplot3d\axes3d.py
你要达到的目标叫做Monkey Patching。
from matplotlib import artist
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D
# Create a new draw function
def draw(self, renderer):
# Your version
# ...
# Add Axes3D explicitly to super() calls
super(Axes3D, self).draw(renderer)
# Overwrite the old draw function
Axes3D.draw = draw
# The rest of your code
# ...
这里的注意事项是为装饰器导入 artist
并显式调用 super(Axes3D, self).method()
而不是仅使用 super().method()
def draw_custom():
draw_org = Axes3D.draw
Axes3D.draw = draw_custom
# Do custom stuff
Axes3D.draw = draw_org
# Do normal stuff
我正在做一个小项目,需要解决 matplotlib
中的一个错误,以便修复一些 ax.patches
和 ax.collections
的 zorders。更确切地说,ax.patches
是可在 space 中旋转的符号,而 ax.collections
是 ax.voxels
的边(因此文本必须放在它们上面)。到目前为止,我知道 mpl_toolkits.mplot3d.Axes3D
的 draw
方法中隐藏了一个错误:每次我以不希望的方式移动图表时,都会重新计算 zorder
。所以我决定在这些行中更改 draw
for i, col in enumerate(
key=lambda col: col.do_3d_projection(renderer),
#col.zorder = zorder_offset + i #comment this line
col.zorder = col.stable_zorder + i #add this extra line
for i, patch in enumerate(
key=lambda patch: patch.do_3d_projection(renderer),
#patch.zorder = zorder_offset + i #comment this line
patch.zorder = patch.stable_zorder + i #add this extra line
假定 ax.collection
和 ax.patch
的每个对象都有一个 stable_attribute
,这是在我的项目中手动分配的。所以每次我 运行 我的项目时,我必须确保手动更改 mpl_toolkits.mplot3d.Axes3D.draw
这是我项目的 MWE:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
#from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D
import mpl_toolkits.mplot3d.art3d as art3d
from matplotlib.text import TextPath
from matplotlib.transforms import Affine2D
from matplotlib.patches import PathPatch
class VisualArray:
def __init__(self, arr, fig=None, ax=None):
if len(arr.shape) == 1:
arr = arr[None,None,:]
elif len(arr.shape) == 2:
arr = arr[None,:,:]
elif len(arr.shape) > 3:
raise NotImplementedError('More than 3 dimensions is not supported')
self.arr = arr
if fig is None:
self.fig = plt.figure()
self.fig = fig
if ax is None:
self.ax = self.fig.gca(projection='3d')
self.ax = ax
self.ax.azim, self.ax.elev = -120, 30
self.colors = None
def text3d(self, xyz, s, zdir="z", zorder=1, size=None, angle=0, usetex=False, **kwargs):
d = {'-x': np.array([[-1.0, 0.0, 0], [0.0, 1.0, 0.0], [0, 0.0, -1]]),
'-y': np.array([[0.0, 1.0, 0], [-1.0, 0.0, 0.0], [0, 0.0, 1]]),
'-z': np.array([[1.0, 0.0, 0], [0.0, -1.0, 0.0], [0, 0.0, -1]])}
x, y, z = xyz
if "y" in zdir:
x, y, z = x, z, y
elif "x" in zdir:
x, y, z = y, z, x
elif "z" in zdir:
x, y, z = x, y, z
text_path = TextPath((-0.5, -0.5), s, size=size, usetex=usetex)
aff = Affine2D()
trans = aff.rotate(angle)
# apply additional rotation of text_paths if side is dark
if '-' in zdir:
trans._mtx = np.dot(d[zdir], trans._mtx)
trans = trans.translate(x, y)
p = PathPatch(trans.transform_path(text_path), **kwargs)
art3d.pathpatch_2d_to_3d(p, z=z, zdir=zdir)
p.stable_zorder = zorder
return p
def on_rotation(self, event):
vrot_idx = [self.ax.elev > 0, True].index(True)
v_zorders = 10000 * np.array([(1, -1), (-1, 1)])[vrot_idx]
for side, zorder in zip((self.side1, self.side4), v_zorders):
for patch in side:
patch.stable_zorder = zorder
hrot_idx = [self.ax.azim < -90, self.ax.azim < 0, self.ax.azim < 90, True].index(True)
h_zorders = 10000 * np.array([(1, 1, -1, -1), (-1, 1, 1, -1),
(-1, -1, 1, 1), (1, -1, -1, 1)])[hrot_idx]
sides = (self.side3, self.side2, self.side6, self.side5)
for side, zorder in zip(sides, h_zorders):
for patch in side:
patch.stable_zorder = zorder
def voxelize(self):
shape = self.arr.shape[::-1]
x, y, z = np.indices(shape)
arr = (x < shape[0]) & (y < shape[1]) & (z < shape[2])
self.ax.voxels(arr, facecolors=self.colors, edgecolor='k')
for col in self.ax.collections:
col.stable_zorder = col.zorder
def labelize(self):
self.fig.canvas.mpl_connect('motion_notify_event', self.on_rotation)
s = self.arr.shape
self.side1, self.side2, self.side3, self.side4, self.side5, self.side6 = [], [], [], [], [], []
# labelling surfaces of side1 and side4
surf = np.indices((s[2], s[1])).T[::-1].reshape(-1, 2) + 0.5
surf_pos1 = np.insert(surf, 2, self.arr.shape[0], axis=1)
surf_pos2 = np.insert(surf, 2, 0, axis=1)
labels1 = (self.arr[0]).flatten()
labels2 = (self.arr[-1]).flatten()
for xyz, label in zip(surf_pos1, [f'${n}$' for n in labels1]):
t = self.text3d(xyz, label, zdir="z", zorder=10000, size=1, usetex=True, ec="none", fc="k")
for xyz, label in zip(surf_pos2, [f'${n}$' for n in labels2]):
t = self.text3d(xyz, label, zdir="-z", zorder=-10000, size=1, usetex=True, ec="none", fc="k")
# labelling surfaces of side2 and side5
surf = np.indices((s[2], s[0])).T[::-1].reshape(-1, 2) + 0.5
surf_pos1 = np.insert(surf, 1, 0, axis=1)
surf = np.indices((s[0], s[2])).T[::-1].reshape(-1, 2) + 0.5
surf_pos2 = np.insert(surf, 1, self.arr.shape[1], axis=1)
labels1 = (self.arr[:, -1]).flatten()
labels2 = (self.arr[::-1, 0].T[::-1]).flatten()
for xyz, label in zip(surf_pos1, [f'${n}$' for n in labels1]):
t = self.text3d(xyz, label, zdir="y", zorder=10000, size=1, usetex=True, ec="none", fc="k")
for xyz, label in zip(surf_pos2, [f'${n}$' for n in labels2]):
t = self.text3d(xyz, label, zdir="-y", zorder=-10000, size=1, usetex=True, ec="none", fc="k")
# labelling surfaces of side3 and side6
surf = np.indices((s[1], s[0])).T[::-1].reshape(-1, 2) + 0.5
surf_pos1 = np.insert(surf, 0, self.arr.shape[2], axis=1)
surf_pos2 = np.insert(surf, 0, 0, axis=1)
labels1 = (self.arr[:, ::-1, -1]).flatten()
labels2 = (self.arr[:, ::-1, 0]).flatten()
for xyz, label in zip(surf_pos1, [f'${n}$' for n in labels1]):
t = self.text3d(xyz, label, zdir="x", zorder=-10000, size=1, usetex=True, ec="none", fc="k")
for xyz, label in zip(surf_pos2, [f'${n}$' for n in labels2]):
t = self.text3d(xyz, label, zdir="-x", zorder=10000, size=1, usetex=True, ec="none", fc="k")
def vizualize(self):
arr = np.arange(60).reshape((2,6,5))
va = VisualArray(arr)
这是我在外部更改 ...\mpl_toolkits\mplot3d\axes3d.py
你要达到的目标叫做Monkey Patching。
from matplotlib import artist
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D
# Create a new draw function
def draw(self, renderer):
# Your version
# ...
# Add Axes3D explicitly to super() calls
super(Axes3D, self).draw(renderer)
# Overwrite the old draw function
Axes3D.draw = draw
# The rest of your code
# ...
这里的注意事项是为装饰器导入 artist
并显式调用 super(Axes3D, self).method()
而不是仅使用 super().method()
def draw_custom():
draw_org = Axes3D.draw
Axes3D.draw = draw_custom
# Do custom stuff
Axes3D.draw = draw_org
# Do normal stuff