BakkesMod winsock2 recv 崩溃

BakkesMod winsock2 recv Crash

使用 winsock2.h && Ws2tcpip.h && bakkesmod SDK 的 C++ BakkesMod 插件(仅需要 x64 发布版本)

问题:在 recv() 上崩溃。 Try-Catch 不会阻止它,线程不会阻止它,所有检查都表明它应该可以正常工作。发送工作正常,虽然我可以创建一个只发送的 ping,但我想使用其他功能,这些功能需要从服务器接收小请求。


// Socket.private
int sock;
std::thread* reader;
// Socket.public
std::function<void(void)> onConnect;
std::function<void(void)> onDisconnect;
std::function<void(std::string)> onMessageReceived;
std::function<void(ErrorType, std::string)> onError;

// Relevant Function(s)
int Socket::Connect(int tries) {
    if (tries <= 0)
        return -1;

    if (ConnectionState == 1)
    ConnectionState = 0;
    if (onError != NULL)
        onError(ErrorType::DEBUG, "Discord: Connecting...");
    struct sockaddr_in serv_addr;
    if ((sock = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0)) < 0)
        if (onError != NULL)
            onError(ErrorType::CREATE_FAILED, "Discord: Could not Create Socket");

        if (onDisconnect != NULL)

        return Connect(tries - 1);
    serv_addr.sin_family = AF_INET;
    serv_addr.sin_port = htons(this->Port);

    // Convert IPv4 and IPv6 addresses from text to binary form 
    if (inet_pton(AF_INET, this->Address.c_str(), &serv_addr.sin_addr) <= 0)
        if (onError != NULL)
            onError(ErrorType::BIND_FAILED, "Discord: Could not Bind Socket");

        if (onDisconnect != NULL)

        return Connect(tries - 1);
    if (connect(sock, (struct sockaddr *)&serv_addr, sizeof(serv_addr)) < 0)
        if (onError != NULL)
            onError(ErrorType::CONNECT_FAILED, "Discord: Could not Connect");

        if (onDisconnect != NULL)

        return Connect(tries - 1);;

    ConnectionState = 1;
    if (onError != NULL)
        onError(ErrorType::DEBUG, "Discord: Authenticating...");
    Send("AUTH " + this->AuthCode, 1);

    if (onConnect != NULL)

    std::thread thread_obj([this] { this->Read(); });
    this->reader = &thread_obj;

    return 1;


#pragma warning( disable : 4700 )
void Socket::Read() {
    if (onError != NULL)
        onError(ErrorType::DEBUG, "Discord: Receive Thread Started");
    int len = 0;
    // Tried {0} to solve warning 4700, also left uninitialized with same result
    char* msg = { 0 };
    int bytesreceived = 0;
    while (ConnectionState == 1) {
        do {
            char buffer[MAX_BUFFER];
            int buflen = MAX_BUFFER;
            if (onError != NULL)
                onError(ErrorType::DEBUG, "Discord: Receiving...");
            try {
                // *CRASH LINE*
                len = recv(this->sock, buffer, buflen, 0);
            catch (int e) {
                if (onError != NULL)
                    onError(ErrorType::DEBUG, "Discord: Receive Error (" + std::to_string(e) + ")");

            if (onError != NULL)
                onError(ErrorType::DEBUG, "Discord: Received " + std::to_string(len) + " bytes");
            if (len > 0) {
                // Concatenate Buffer
            if (onError != NULL)
                onError(ErrorType::DEBUG, "Discord: Buffered " + std::to_string(bytesreceived) + " bytes");
            // Parse for Command(s)
    if (bytesreceived > 0) {
        if (onError != NULL)
            onError(ErrorType::NOT_CONNECTED, "Discord: Receive Closed with Data");
    if (onError != NULL)
        onError(ErrorType::DEBUG, "Discord: Receive Thread Ended");


[17:09:46] [bakkesmod] [class plg::FoxsLeaderboard] Discord: AutoConnecting
[17:09:46] [bakkesmod] [class plg::FoxsLeaderboard] Discord: Connecting...
[17:09:46] [bakkesmod] [class plg::FoxsLeaderboard] Discord: Authenticating...
[17:09:46] [bakkesmod] [class plg::FoxsLeaderboard] Discord Connected
[17:09:46] [bakkesmod] [class plg::FoxsLeaderboard] Discord: Receive Thread Started
[17:09:46] [bakkesmod] [class plg::FoxsLeaderboard] Discord: Receiving...


std::thread thread_obj([this] { this->Read(); });
this->reader = &thread_obj;

return 1;



从函数返回会销毁自动范围内的所有对象。包括这个 std::thread 对象。它像任何其他局部变量一样被销毁。

销毁具有 non-detached 执行线程的 std::thread 会导致 std::terminate 被调用,从而终止整个程序。

此外,请注意您的 reader 指针也是一个悬空指针,指向一个已销毁的对象,在函数 returns.
