
Will RISC architecture processors outperform that of CISC in future

围绕CISC和RISC话题的激烈讨论一直没有达成共识,但业界的现实是ARM、PPC等RISC架构处理器很少被用作CPU 在现代台式机、笔记本电脑和计算密集型服务器中。它们更多地用于嵌入式计算方面,如手机、平板电脑和其他移动设备。在最近的 CES 2015 上,ARM 甚至没有出现在那里。趋势很像Intel以其CISC或more-CISC-less-RISC组合芯片以出色的性能在高端处理器行业占据主导地位,而RISC处理器更多的特点是针对嵌入式设备的低功耗。



这是一个非常基于意见的话题。你应该阅读这个 paper. It takes a stab at comparing RISC vs CISC in the modern world. In general it is very hard to make any solid technical argument in this area because a lot of current trends are dependent on so many factors which are irrelevant of the ISA - such as microarchitecture, circuit design, process technology, tools etc. Plus modern day ISAs are somewhat a combination of RISC and CISC. Under the hood most of the features are blended together. For instance, x86 instruction in the decoder pipeline are broken down into many much simpler RISC-like instructions. But if you look at the more recent ARM chips,他们实际上做的事情非常相似。此外,如今的 ARM 指令比过去复杂得多,也比更传统的 MIPS 指令复杂得多。为了合理比较哪一个本质上更好,您必须将所有其他因素归一化,这真的很难做到。