
Why is the code just after wait method not invoked

我有一个客户帐户 class,具有以下 2 种方法,addBalance 和 deductBalance。

class CustomerAccount
    private int balance;
    int getBalance() { return balance;}
    CustomerAccount() {balance=0;}
    boolean deductBalance(final int amount)
        System.out.println("> invoked to deduct :" + amount);
        synchronized (this)
            while (balance <= amount)
                try {wait(); } catch (InterruptedException e) {TestWaitNotifyBasic.logException(e);}
                System.out.println("> hey I was notified for cutting amount:" + amount);
            balance-= amount;
        System.out.println("> deducted:" + amount);
        return true;
    boolean addBalance(final int amount)
        synchronized (this)
            balance += amount;
        System.out.println("> balance added: " + amount);
        return true;

下面是main方法的消耗class。这个想法是让线程等待同步块,直到调用 notifyAll。

import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService;
import java.util.concurrent.Executors;
import java.util.function.IntFunction;

public class TestWaitNotifyBasic

    public static void main(String[] args)
        final CustomerAccount chuck = new CustomerAccount();

        IntFunction<Runnable> addBalance = (amount) -> { return () -> chuck.addBalance(amount);};
        IntFunction<Runnable> deductBalance = (amount) -> { return () -> chuck.deductBalance(amount);};

        ExecutorService threadPool = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(100);

        //balance deduction
        threadPool.execute(deductBalance.apply(1000) );
        threadPool.execute(deductBalance.apply(50) );

        //balance addition

        while (!threadPool.isTerminated())
            try {Thread.sleep(300);} catch (InterruptedException e) {{logException(e);}}
        System.out.println("----------------------" );
        System.out.println("thread operations finished, final balance : " + chuck.getBalance());
        int actualBalance = (900+40+80+8000)-(1000+50+5000);
        System.out.println("Validity check " + actualBalance);

    static void logException(InterruptedException e)
        System.out.println("###########interruptedexception#########" + e);



> balance added: 80
> invoked to deduct :1000
> balance added: 8000
> invoked to deduct :5000
> invoked to deduct :50
> balance added: 900
> balance added: 40
> deducted:5000
> deducted:50
> deducted:1000
thread operations finished, final balance : 2970
Validity check 2970


System.out.println("> hey I was notified for cutting amount:" + amount);

此方法写在 CustomerAccount 中扣除余额方法的 wait() 旁边 class。

根据 @RealSkeptic's 评论,将 addBalance 线程修改为在进入执行前休眠。 Post 这所有的系统输出都被执行了

上面代码 post 的行为是 addBalance 线程将在 deductBalance 线程进入同步块之前执行。

使用以下 addBalance 方法,输出发生变化。

boolean addBalance(final int amount)
        try {Thread.sleep(3000);} catch (InterruptedException e) {{TestWaitNotifyBasic.logException(e);}}
        synchronized (this)
            balance += amount;
        System.out.println("> balance added: " + amount);
        return true;


> invoked to deduct :50
> invoked to deduct :1000
> invoked to deduct :5000
> balance added: 900
> balance added: 40
> hey I was notified for cutting amount:50
> balance added: 8000
> balance added: 80
> hey I was notified for cutting amount:5000
> deducted:50
> hey I was notified for cutting amount:1000
> deducted:1000
> deducted:5000

thread operations finished, final balance : 2970
Validity check 2970