IAuthenticationProvider 在 microsoft-graph:2.3.0 中被弃用,我现在如何创建一个 GraphServiceClient 实例?

IAuthenticationProvider is deprecated in microsoft-graph:2.3.0, how do I create a GraphServiceClient instance now?

我正在升级msgraph-sdk-java library in my project. I was using version 1.7.1 but I had some issues with setting conflict behavior when uploading files >4MB. I saw the issue was fixed in the latest version (see here)的版本所以我正在尝试升级到2.3.0版本。

我更新了我的 build.gradle 文件并注意到现在接口 IAuthenticationProvider 已被弃用。

Provides authentication for a requests before it is sent by an HTTP provider.

@deprecated use ICoreAuthenticationProvider instead

它说我应该改用 ICoreAuthenticationProvider 但如何在不实现 IAuthenticationProvider 接口的情况下构建 GraphServiceClient 的新实例?

this.graphClient = GraphServiceClient.builder()

此外,在库的 README 中,它说我们应该使用 IAuthenticationProvider,这更加令人困惑:



我想象更新将允许在 GraphServiceClient 构造函数中使用 ICoreAuthenticationProvider,但目前还没有。