如果在 Coq 中两个归纳类型的构造函数表达式相等,我可以根据它们对应的参数进行重写吗?

If two constructor expressions of an inductive type are equal in Coq, can I do rewriting based on their corresponding arguments?

我确实有一个 4 元组归纳类型如下:

Inductive my_tuple :=
  | abcd : byte -> nat -> byte -> nat -> my_tuple.


H : abcd b1 n1 b2 n2 = abcd b1' n1' b2' n2'

考虑到归纳类型的所有构造函数都是单射且不相交的(也讨论了 ),我想知道我是否可以得出相应参数相等的结论(即 b1 = b1'n1 = n1'b2 = b2'n2 = n2'),然后用它们重写其他 我证明中的方程式。如果是这样,我该怎么做?我已经看过这些帖子(),但仍然不知道该怎么做。


通常情况下,注入很简单,Coq 自动化就可以解决大部分简单的问题。 例如在你的情况下,注入策略非常简单。

Theorem Injective_tuple : forall b1 n1 b2 n2 b1' n1' b2' n2',
  abcd b1 n1 b2 n2 = abcd b1' n1' b2' n2' -> b1 = b1' /\ n1 = n1' /\ b2 = b2' /\ n2 = n2'.
  injection H.
  do 4! constructor.
  Show Proof (*what actually coq is doing ? *).


(* A not so beautiful proof *)
Definition Raw_Injective_tuple b1 n1 b2 n2 b1' n1' b2' n2' :
  abcd b1 n1 b2 n2 = abcd b1' n1' b2' n2' -> b1 = b1' /\ n1 = n1' /\ b2 = b2' /\ n2 = n2' :=
    fun H => 
      let first := (f_equal (fun x => match x with
                       |abcd x _ _ _ => x
                    end) H) in
       let second := (f_equal (fun x => match x with
                       |abcd _ x _ _ => x
                     end) H) in
       let three := (f_equal (fun x => match x with
                       |abcd _ _ x _ => x
                     end) H) in
       let four := (f_equal (fun x => match x with
                       |abcd _ _ _ x => x
                     end) H) in conj first (conj second (conj three four)).

f_equal 或同余(如 Agda)是一个定理,表示如果你有一个函数,你可以在相等的两边应用它,它会保持相等的关系 (x = y -> f x = fy)。好吧,如果你能够提取等式两边的值,那么这些值是相等的并且函数是单射的,在这种情况下通过模式匹配就足够了。