符合可编码结构的 @Published 数组的可编码一致性

Codable conformance at @Published array of a codable-conformed Struct

我正在研究 URLSession,本质上是在构建一个超级简单的应用程序来将 JSON 文件加载到 ContentView 中,有点像来自 Facebook 的朋友列表,我想弄清楚我遇到的不是任何错误,而是 Swift 的 Codable 协议的内部运作。下面是一些代码和解释:

struct User: Identifiable, Codable {
    struct Friend : Identifiable, Codable {
        var name : String
        var id : String

    var id : String
    var isActive: Bool
    var name : String
    var age: Int
    var company : String
    var address : String
    var about : String
    var registered : String
    var friends : [Friend]
    var checkIsActive: String {
        return self.isActive ? "" :""

综上所述,我有一个 User 结构,其中包含一堆符合 Codable.

class UsersArrayClass: ObservableObject {
    @Published var userArray = [User]() 

但是,我还有另一个 class、UsersArrayClass,它创建 @Published var userArrayUser 结构对象。这个 class 符合 @ObservableObject 协议,但是当然,当我试图让它符合 Codable 时,它可能不喜欢那样,因为 @Published 属性 包装器被应用于数组本身...这基本上让我感到困惑,尽管如果 User 结构具有 Codable 一致性,为什么 userArray 不包含 User 对象也自动符合 Codable?


 Cannot automatically synthesize 'Encodable' because 'Published<[User]>'
 does not conform to 'Encodable' @Published var userArray = [User]()

// Published declaration
@propertyWrapper struct Published<Value> { ... }

已发布不符合 Codable 或 Foundation 当前的任何通用协议

试图使 Published 符合 Codeable 结果错误如下:

 Implementation of 'Decodable' cannot be
 automatically synthesized in an extension in a different file to the type
extension Published: Codable where Value: Codable {}

它是 hacky,但我们可以通过扩展添加 CodablePublished 的一致性,尽管无法访问 Published 内部。

extension Published: Codable where Value: Codable {
    public func encode(to encoder: Encoder) throws {
            let storageValue =
                Mirror(reflecting: self).descendant("storage")
            let value =
                storageValue as? Value
                (storageValue as? Publisher).map(Mirror.init)?
                .descendant("subject", "currentValue")
                as? Value
        else { fatalError("Failed to encode") }
        try value.encode(to: encoder)
    public init(from decoder: Decoder) throws {
        self.init(initialValue: try .init(from: decoder))


class User: ObservableObject, Codable {
    @Published var name = "Paul"

struct ContentView: View {
    @ObservedObject var user = User()
    var body: some View {
        let data = try? JSONEncoder().encode(user)
        let dataFromStr = """
                    "name": "Smith"
            .data(using: .utf8)
        let decoded = try! JSONDecoder().decode(User.self, from: dataFromStr!)
                Text(verbatim: String(data: data!, encoding: .utf8) ?? "encoding failed")