使用减速器在 useEffect() 中反应无限循环

React infinite loop in useEffect() with reducer

我有一个 useEffect() 检查状态中的触发器布尔值是否有应该播放的消息声音,播放后它将活动消息触发器的状态设置为 false。

但是,useEffect() 进入无限循环,导致应用程序崩溃。可能是因为改变状态会再次触发它(又一次......)

通常,使用 useState,这很容易用 useEffect(() => {logic}, [trigger])


在我的例子中,我没有使用 useState,而是使用 reducer 来改变状态。

Edit: The weird thing is, the reducer sometimes works to modify state, and sometimes it does not. It will execute without errors but the state remains unchanged.


import React, { useEffect } from "react";
import { getCachedImage } from "../helpers";

const MessageNotification = (props) => {
  const messageImg= getCachedImage("/ui/newmessage.png");


  // Function that plays given sound
  function playSound(soundFile) {
    let audio = new Audio("/audio/messages/" + soundFile);

  // Check if a Message is set to active. If so, execute logic
  useEffect(() => {
    // Get messages from state and find the message with "active" set to true
    const messagesState = props.state.messages;
    const activeMessage = messagesState.find((element) => element.active === true);

    if (activeMessage) {


      // Mark the message as userNotified and set it to inactive in state
      let updatedMessagesState = messagesState ;
      let index = messagesState.indexOf(activeMessage);

      if (~index) {
        updatedMessagesState[index].userNotified= true;
        updatedMessagesState[index].active = false;

      /* This is the weird part, the updatedMessagesState is correct, 
but the dispatch reducer does not pass it to state. 
This does work when I remove the useEffect 
(but that gives me a fat red warning in console) */

      props.dispatch({ type: "UPDATE_MESSAGES", payload: updatedMessagesState });

  return (
      <img src={"images" + messageImg} alt="message" width="90" height="90"></img>

export default MessageNotification;

如您所见,我没有使用 useState,而是使用了 reducer。据我所知,我经常发现的与以下内容相关的解决方案不是我的解决方案:

// Not applicable solution for me, since I use reducer
const [trigger] = useState();

useEffect(() => {
    // Logic here
}, [trigger]);


const reducer = (state, action) => {
  switch (action.type) {
      return { ...state, messages: action.payload };
      throw new Error();

export default reducer;

尝试为您的 useEffect 添加依赖项,例如:

useEffect(() => {
    if (activeMessage) {


      //mark the message as userNotified and set it to inactive in state
      let updatedMessagesState = messagesState ;
      let index = messagesState.indexOf(activeMessage);

      if (~index) {
        updatedMessagesState[index].userNotified= true;
        updatedMessagesState[index].active = false;

      props.dispatch({ type: "UPDATE_MESSAGES", payload: updatedMessagesState });
  }, [activeMessage]);

通过不指定依赖项数组,您的 useEffect 将在每次渲染时 运行,从而创建一个无限循环。


const messagesState = props.state.messages;


const messagesState = [...props.state.messages];

此外,let index = messagesState.indexOf(activeMessage); 将不起作用,因为 messagesState 是一个对象数组。要获取活动消息的索引,试试这个:

let index = messagesState.map(message => message.active).indexOf(true);

我想如果你添加 props.state.messages 作为依赖项,问题就会解决。此外,如果您仅在 useEffect 中使用 messagesState 和 messagesState,则应将此变量移至该块:

 useEffect(() => {
    const messagesState = props.state.messages;
    const messagesState = messagesState.find((element) => element.active === true);

    if (activeMessage) {


      //mark the message as userNotified and set it to inactive in state
      let updatedMessagesState = messagesState ;
      let index = messagesState.indexOf(activeMessage);

      if (~index) {
        updatedMessagesState[index].userNotified= true;
        updatedMessagesState[index].active = false;

      /* This is the weird part, the updatedMessagesState is correct, 
but the dispatch reducer does not pass it to state. 
This does work when I remove the useEffect 
(but that gives me a fat red warning in console) */

      props.dispatch({ type: "UPDATE_MESSAGES", payload: updatedMessagesState });
  }, [props.state.messages]);
// Check if a Message is set to active. If so, execute logic
  useEffect(() => {
    // Get messages from state and find the message with "active" set to true
    const messagesState = props.state.messages;
    const activeMessage = messagesState.find((element) => element.active === true);

    if (activeMessage) {


      // Mark the message as userNotified and set it to inactive in state
      let updatedMessagesState = messagesState ;
      let index = messagesState.indexOf(activeMessage);

      if (~index) {
        updatedMessagesState[index].userNotified= true;
        updatedMessagesState[index].active = false;

      /* This is the weird part, the updatedMessagesState is correct, 
but the dispatch reducer does not pass it to state. 
This does work when I remove the useEffect 
(but that gives me a fat red warning in console) */

      props.dispatch({ type: "UPDATE_MESSAGES", payload: updatedMessagesState });

你的 useEffect 需要一个依赖项,如果你没有像你的情况那样在 useEffect 中提供依赖项,它总是 运行 在每个渲染上。在 useEffect 或 [any state or prop on which this effect depends].

中提供 [] 作为第二个参数