如何将根域重定向到 AWS route53 中的子域?

How to redirect the root domain to a sub domain in AWS route53?

我正在使用 AWS route53 作为我的 DNS 服务器。

我有一个 A 记录指向子域 www 的网络服务器和指向 www 子域的根“@”子域的 CNAME,所以当我尝试获取 mydomain.com 或 www.mydomain.com I should get the same result and It works fine in Godaddy DNS and NameCheap DNS servers but in route53 the www record works fine but the @ doesn't work and I have to type the full www.mydomain.com 帮我找回网站。

在这种情况下,您在为您的域创建记录集时不需要包含 @ 符号。


If you're creating a record that has the same name as the hosted zone, don't enter a value (for example, an @ symbol) in the Name field.