如何在 Camunda 的 EventSubProcess 中调用 EndEvent

How call EndEvent in EventSubProcess in Camunda


当我在 Event SubProcess 中调用 task3 并完成任务时,我的流程实例关闭,但 EndEvent 没有调用。为什么? (((

a) 您确定要在所有地方使用终止结束事件吗? https://docs.camunda.org/manual/latest/reference/bpmn20/events/terminate-event/https://docs.camunda.org/manual/latest/reference/bpmn20/events/none-events/

由于没有并行 activity,因此认为不需要终止结束事件。一般来说,我不鼓励使用终止结束事件。通常有更好的方法可以达到预期的结果。

b) 事件子流程使用了一个中断启动事件。 https://docs.camunda.org/manual/latest/reference/bpmn20/subprocesses/event-subprocess/

An event subprocess may be interrupting or non-interrupting. An interrupting subprocess cancels any executions in the current scope. A non-interrupting event subprocess spawns a new concurrent execution. While an interrupting event subprocess can only be triggered once for each activation of the scope hosting it, a non-interrupting event subprocess can be triggered multiple times. Whether the subprocess is interrupting or non-interrupting is configured using the start event which triggers the event subprocess.


我的新图表。现在在两个进程上都称为 EndEvent