将参数传递给此使用 pvmismatch 的函数:为什么这不起作用?

Passing arguments to this function which uses pvmismatch: Why is this not working?

我正在使用一个名为 pvmismatch 的库来测量不完美阴影对太阳能电池的影响,我认为它很快就会与 pvlib 兼容。我不确定这是与 python 相关的一般问题还是仅与图书馆相关的问题,但可能是前者。


def shade_into_powers(shades_list = [], temperatures_list = [], cells_list = []):
    length_of_lists = len(shades_list)
    list_of_powers = []
    for i in range(0, length_of_lists):
        my_module_shaded.setSuns(Ee = shades_list[i], cells = cells_list[i])
        my_module_shaded.setTemps(Tc=temperatures_list[i], cells= cells_list[i])
        list_of_powers[i] = my_module_shaded.pvcells[i].Igen*max(my_module_shaded.pvcells[i].Vcell)
    return list_of_powers


shadez = [0.43, 0.43, 0.43]
tempez = [88, 81, 77]
cellz = [30, 31, 32]
powers_listed = shade_into_powers(shadez, tempez, cellz)

我得到的错误是“'int' 类型的对象不可迭代”。我在这里做错了什么?



Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/abed/.config/JetBrains/PyCharmCE2020.2/scratches/scratch_2.py", line 176, in <module>
    powers_listed = shade_into_powers(shadez, tempez, cellz)
  File "/home/abed/.config/JetBrains/PyCharmCE2020.2/scratches/scratch_2.py", line 168, in shade_into_powers
    my_module_shaded.setSuns(Ee = shades_list[i], cells = cells_list[i])
  File "/home/abed/.local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/pvmismatch/pvmismatch_lib/pvmodule.py", line 323, in setSuns
    cells_to_update = [self.pvcells[i] for i in cells]
TypeError: 'int' object is not iterable

权力列表是一个空数组。尝试用 list_of_powers.append(my_module_shaded.pvcells[i].Igen*max(my_module_shaded.pvcells[i].Vcell))

替换 list_of_powers[i] = my_module_shaded.pvcells[i].Igen*max(my_module_shaded.pvcells[i].Vcell)

感谢您使用PVmismatch. As @carcigenicate, says in , the reason you are getting TypeError: 'int' object is not iterable is because the expected argument for cells in setSuns() is a list as documented in the API

我认为您正在尝试为模块中的 3 个电池设置辐照度和温度。如果正确,您可以在一次调用 setSuns 后调用一次 setTemps 来完成此操作。另请注意 cell temperatures are Kelvin,而不是摄氏度。另请注意,您可以通过在 IV-curve 次方数组 Pcell[cell_idx].

上调用 NumPy max() 函数来获取最大电池温度
>>> from pvmismatch import *

>>> shadez = [0.43, 0.43, 0.43]
>>> tempez = [88, 81, 77]
>>> cellz = [30, 31, 32]

>>> my_module_shaded = pvmodule.PVmodule()

>>> my_module_shaded.Pmod.max()  # module max power

# power of cells 30, 31, & 32, same for all cells in module
>>> [cellpower.max() for cellpower in my_module_shaded.Pcell[cellz]]
[3.3466338806725577, 3.3466338806725577, 3.3466338806725577]

>>> my_module_shaded.setSuns(Ee=shadez, cells=cellz)

>>> my_module_shaded.Pmod.max()  # module max power, after irradiance change

# NOTE: cell temperature is in Kelvin, not Celsius!
>>> tempez = [tc + 273.15 for tc in tempez]  # convert to Kelvin
>>> my_module_shaded.setTemps(Tc=tempez, cells=cellz)

>>> my_module_shaded.Pmod.max()  # module max power, after temperature change

# power of cells 30, 31, & 32, same for all cells in module
>>> [cellpower.max() for cellpower in my_module_shaded.Pcell[cellz]]
[1.0892289330819398, 1.1230533440517434, 1.1424662134689452]