为什么 Java 将我的第二个实例的参数分配给 class 的两个实例?

Why is Java assigning the parameters of my second instance to both instances of a class?

我正在学习入门级大学编程class,这可能是一个新手问题,但我无法在其他地方找到答案,也无法弄清楚为什么 Java正在将我的第二个 Conveyor 实例的参数分配给两个实例。


    public class Conveyor
       private static String type;
       private static double speed; //Speed is measured in m/s (meters/second)
       public Conveyor(String type, double speed)
          this.type = type;
          this.speed = 0;
          this.speed = setSpeed(speed);
       public String getType()
          return this.type;
       public double getSpeed()
          return this.speed;
       public double setSpeed(double speed)
          if(speed <= 0)
             this.speed = this.speed;
             this.speed = speed;
          return this.speed;
       public double timeToTransport(double distance)
          double t = distance / getSpeed();
          return t;


    public class ConveyorApp
       public static void main(String[] args)
          Conveyor c1 = new Conveyor("flat belt",0.9);
          Conveyor c2 = new Conveyor("roller", -0.5);
          System.out.printf("Conveyor 1: %s conveyor with a speed of %.1f\n", c1.getType(), c1.getSpeed());
          System.out.printf("Time to transport an item 50m: %.1f\n\n", c1.timeToTransport(50));
          System.out.printf("Conveyor 2: %s conveyor with a speed of %.1f\n", c2.getType(), c2.getSpeed());
          System.out.printf("Time to transport an item 50m: %.1f\n\n", c2.timeToTransport(50));


    Conveyor 1: flat belt conveyor with a speed of 0.9
    Time to transport an item 50m: 55.6
    Conveyor 2: roller conveyor with a speed of 0.0
    Time to transport an item 50m: Infinity


    Conveyor 1: roller conveyor with a speed of 0.0
    Time to transport an item 50m: Infinity
    Conveyor 2: roller conveyor with a speed of 0.0
    Time to transport an item 50m: Infinity


传送带 class 的字段被标记为静态字段,但听起来您希望它们表现为实例字段。

  public class Conveyor
       private String type;
       private double speed; //Speed is measured in m/s (meters/second)
