
Functions fires regardless of the eventListeners


请在下面找到我的 JS 代码

const sections = document.querySelectorAll("section");

// this function changes the background of the section to show it is the active one
const activeSection = section => {
  section.style.backgroundColor = "#6BCAE2";

// this function return the section to its normal status when the user is not viewing it anymore
const inactiveSection = section => {
  section.style.backgroundColor = "";

// to loop throught the nodelist and add eventlistneres for the functions above
for (let section of sections) {
  section.addEventListener("mouseover", activeSection(section));
  section.addEventListener("mouseout", inactiveSection(section));


for (let section of sections) {
  section.addEventListener("mouseover", () => { activeSection(section); });
  section.addEventListener("mouseout", () => { inactiveSection(section); });