HTCondor:"Process: not found [No such file or directory]" 将 $(Process) 作为参数传递给可执行文件时

HTCondor: "Process: not found [No such file or directory]" when passing $(Process) as an arguments to executable

所以我有一个可执行文件 fit,我想 运行 使用 HTCondor。可执行文件采用整数 0 <= i <= 9 作为参数。我想将 i 关联为作业进程号:$(Process)。所以我有一个提交文件:

   executable              = /nfs/
   arguments               = $(Process)
   log                     = fit.$(Process).log
   output                  = outfile_fit.$(Process).txt
   error                   = errors_fit.$(Process).txt
   transfer_input_files    = /nfs/...
   should_transfer_files   = Yes
   when_to_transfer_output = ON_EXIT
   queue 10

我的 shell 脚本很简单:

   export LD_LIBRARY_PATH="/nfs/...:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH"  
   ./fit $(Process)


  Failed to find a valid KRB5 credential cache. Aborting.
  Failed to find a valid KRB5 credential cache. Aborting.
  aklog: All mechanisms failed to produce tokens for cell
  /var/lib/condor/execute/dir_20552/condor_exec.exe[3]: Process: not found [No such file or   directory]
  /var/lib/condor/execute/dir_20552/condor_exec.exe: line 3: 26653: Memory fault

如果我将 $(Process) 设置为给定的整数,工作 运行 会很好,但我仍然会遇到错误

Failed to find a valid KRB5 credential cache. Aborting.
Failed to find a valid KRB5 credential cache. Aborting.
aklog: All mechanisms failed to produce tokens for cell


尝试在 shell 脚本的第一行开始



./fit $(过程)


./适合 $1