如何使用 jquery 找到最近的下一个 img 标签

how to find closest next img tag with jquery

我在 foreach 循环中有几个这样的 html 块:

<label class="">Replace video:</label>              
<input type="file" name="replaced_main_video" class="input-video-preview" />                                            
<!-- replaced main video -->            
<video class="video" controls>
    <source type="video/mp4">
<label class="">Preview replaced video:</label><br />
<img class="video-preview" width="100" src="#" />

要显示所选上传视频的预览,请使用此 js 代码:

$(function() {
    var video = $('.video');
    var thumbnail = $('canvas');
    var input_video_preview = $('.input-video-preview');
    var ctx = thumbnail.get(0).getContext("2d");
    var duration = 0;
    var img = $('.video-preview');

    input_video_preview.on('change', function(e) {
        var file = e.target.files[0];
        // Set video source
        video.find('source').attr('src', URL.createObjectURL(file));
        // Load the video
        // Load metadata of the video to get video duration and dimensions
        video.on('loadedmetadata', function(e) {
            duration = video.get(0).duration;
            // Set canvas dimensions same as video dimensions
            thumbnail[0].width = video[0].videoWidth;
            thumbnail[0].height = video[0].videoHeight;
            // Set video current time to get some random image
            video[0].currentTime = Math.ceil(duration / 2);
            // Draw the base-64 encoded image data when the time updates
            video.one("timeupdate", function() {
                ctx.drawImage(video[0], 0, 0, video[0].videoWidth, video[0].videoHeight);
                //$('.video-preview').attr("src", thumbnail[0].toDataURL());// THIS WORKS, but all imgs get src
                $('.input-video-preview').next('.video-preview').attr("src", thumbnail[0].toDataURL()); // bind to the next img with class 'video-preview'

这很好用,但是因为 html 块由 foreach 重复,所以每个 img 都会获取源代码。我只想要 input type="file"

之后的下一个 img 标签


$('.input-video-preview').next('.video-preview').attr("src", thumbnail[0].toDataURL()); // get input with class 'input-video-preview', take the next img with class '.video-preview' and bind it to the `src` attribute

但不幸的是,这不起作用.... 我怎样才能做到这一点?







由于您有许多对 on() 的嵌套调用,命令 $(this) 可能会更改上下文而不是针对 <input> 组件。所以你可能需要做这样的事情:

input_video_preview.on('change', function(e) {
  var selectedInput = $(this);



  selectedInput.nextAll('.video-preview').eq( 0 ).attr("src", thumbnail[0].toDataURL());


编辑 2


您不应该事先定义 videothumbnailimg 变量。此变量取决于所选择的输入。

所以你也应该使用 nextAll()on() 中定义,就像这样:

$(function() {
  var input_video_preview = $('.input-video-preview');
  var duration = 0;

  input_video_preview.on('change', function(e) {
      var selectedInput = $(this);
      var video = selectedInput.nextAll('.video');
      var thumbnail = selectedInput.nextAll('canvas');
      var ctx = thumbnail.get(0).getContext("2d");
      var img = selectedInput.nextAll('.video-preview');
      var file = e.target.files[0];

