Skipping task as it has no source files and no previous output files
这是我的 build.gradle
,它有三个任务(一个用于下载 zip,一个用于解压缩,另一个用于执行 sh 文件)。这些任务相互依赖。我正在使用 Gradle 6。因为这些是依赖任务,所以我使用了以下命令:
gradlew C
Skipping task 'B' as it has no source files and no previous output files.
task A {
description = 'Rolls out new changes'
doLast {
def url = "https://${serverName}/xxx/try.zip"
def copiedZip = 'build/newdeploy/try.zip'
logger.lifecycle("Downloading $url...")
ant.get(src: url, dest: copiedZip, verbose: true)
task B (type: Copy, dependsOn: 'A') {
doLast {
def zipFile = file('build/newdeploy/try.zip')
def outputDir = file("build/newdeploy")
from zipTree(zipFile)
into outputDir
task C (type: Exec, dependsOn: 'B') {
doLast {
workingDir 'build/newdeploy/try/bin'
executable 'sh'
args arguments, url
ext.output = { return standardOutput.toString() }
task A {
description = 'Rolls out new changes'
doLast {
def url = "https://${serverName}/xxx/try.zip"
def copiedZip = 'build/newdeploy/try.zip'
logger.lifecycle("Downloading $url...")
ant.get(src: url, dest: copiedZip, verbose: true)
def outputDir = file("build/newdeploy")
copy {
from zipTree(zipFile)
into outputDir
task C (type: Exec, dependsOn: 'A') {
doLast {
workingDir 'build/newdeploy/try/bin'
executable 'sh'
args arguments, url
ext.output = { return standardOutput.toString() }
这是我的 build.gradle
,它有三个任务(一个用于下载 zip,一个用于解压缩,另一个用于执行 sh 文件)。这些任务相互依赖。我正在使用 Gradle 6。因为这些是依赖任务,所以我使用了以下命令:
gradlew C
Skipping task 'B' as it has no source files and no previous output files.
task A {
description = 'Rolls out new changes'
doLast {
def url = "https://${serverName}/xxx/try.zip"
def copiedZip = 'build/newdeploy/try.zip'
logger.lifecycle("Downloading $url...")
ant.get(src: url, dest: copiedZip, verbose: true)
task B (type: Copy, dependsOn: 'A') {
doLast {
def zipFile = file('build/newdeploy/try.zip')
def outputDir = file("build/newdeploy")
from zipTree(zipFile)
into outputDir
task C (type: Exec, dependsOn: 'B') {
doLast {
workingDir 'build/newdeploy/try/bin'
executable 'sh'
args arguments, url
ext.output = { return standardOutput.toString() }
task A {
description = 'Rolls out new changes'
doLast {
def url = "https://${serverName}/xxx/try.zip"
def copiedZip = 'build/newdeploy/try.zip'
logger.lifecycle("Downloading $url...")
ant.get(src: url, dest: copiedZip, verbose: true)
def outputDir = file("build/newdeploy")
copy {
from zipTree(zipFile)
into outputDir
task C (type: Exec, dependsOn: 'A') {
doLast {
workingDir 'build/newdeploy/try/bin'
executable 'sh'
args arguments, url
ext.output = { return standardOutput.toString() }