我如何 运行 一个命令行工具来响应 Vapor 中的 HTTP 请求?

How can I run a command line tool in response to an HTTP Request in Vapor?

我有一个 node.js 命令行工具,我想 运行 生成资产以响应我在 Vapor 4 中收到的 HTTP 请求。是否可以这样做?


func requestHandler(_ req: Request) throws -> EventLoopFuture<HTTPStatus> {
    let promise = req.eventLoop.makePromise(of: HTTPStatus.self)
    let process = Process()
    // e.g. use `which node` to find path to `node`
    process.executableURL = URL(fileURLWithPath: "/path/to/binary") // e.g. /usr/bin/node
    // in which folder execute the command, it is optional
    process.currentDirectoryPath = "/path/to/folder"
    // optional arguments, e.g. if your arguments are -c release then it should be ["-c", "release"]
    process.arguments = ["arg1", "arg2", "argN"]
    // wait for termination in closure
    process.terminationHandler = { process in
        switch process.terminationStatus {
        // probably normal termination via SIGTERM or when process successfully finished
        case 0:
            promise.fail(Abort(.failedDependency, reason: "Process finished with code \(process.terminationStatus)"))
    // don't forget to launch it
    try process.run()
    return promise.futureResult