将像素缓冲区呈现给 MTKView

Present a pixel buffer to a MTKView

这是我的问题:我想显示我计算到 MTKView 的像素缓冲区。我搜索了 MTLTexture、MTLBuffer 和其他 Metal 对象,但找不到任何方法来只显示像素缓冲区。 我看到的每个教程都是关于使用顶点和片段着色器呈现 3D 对象。

我认为缓冲区必须在 drawInMTKView 函数中显示(可能使用 MTLRenderCommandEncoder),但同样,我找不到任何相关信息。



我想我找到了解决方案:https://developer.apple.com/documentation/metal/creating_and_sampling_textures?language=objc。 在这个例子中,他们展示了如何将图像渲染到 Metal 视图,仅使用几个顶点和片段着色器将纹理渲染到 2D 正方形。 我会从那里去。不确定是否有更好(更简单?)的方法来做到这一点。但我想这就是 Metal 希望我们这样做的方式。


我建议您使用 Core Image 将像素缓冲区的内容渲染到视图中。这需要最少的手动 Metal 设置。

如下设置 MTKView 和一些必需的对象(假设您有一个视图控制器和一个故事板设置):

import UIKit
import CoreImage

class PreviewViewController: UIViewController {

    @IBOutlet weak var metalView: MTKView!

    var device: MTLDevice!
    var commandQueue: MTLCommandQueue!
    var ciContext: CIContext!

    var pixelBuffer: CVPixelBuffer?

    override func viewDidLoad() {

        self.device = MTLCreateSystemDefaultDevice()
        self.commandQueue = self.device.makeCommandQueue()

        self.metalView.delegate = self
        self.metalView.device = self.device
        // this allows us to render into the view's drawable
        self.metalView.framebufferOnly = false

        self.ciContext = CIContext(mtlDevice: self.device)


在委托方法中,您使用 Core Image 转换像素缓冲区以适应视图的内容(这是一个奖励,使其适应您的用例)并使用 CIContext 渲染它:

extension PreviewViewController:  MTKViewDelegate {

    func draw(in view: MTKView) {
        guard let pixelBuffer = self.pixelBuffer,
              let commandBuffer = self.commandQueue.makeCommandBuffer() else { return }
        // turn the pixel buffer into a CIImage so we can use Core Image for rendering into the view
        let image = CIImage(cvPixelBuffer: pixelBuffer)

        // bonus: transform the image to aspect-fit the view's bounds
        let drawableSize = view.drawableSize
        let scaleX = drawableSize.width / image.extent.width
        let scaleY = drawableSize.height / image.extent.height
        let scale = min(scaleX, scaleY)
        let scaledImage = image.transformed(by: CGAffineTransform(scaleX: scale, y: scale))
        // center in the view
        let originX = max(drawableSize.width - scaledImage.extent.size.width, 0) / 2
        let originY = max(drawableSize.height - scaledImage.extent.size.height, 0) / 2
        let centeredImage = scaledImage.transformed(by: CGAffineTransform(translationX: originX, y: originY))

        // Create a render destination that allows to lazily fetch the target texture
        // which allows the encoder to process all CI commands _before_ the texture is actually available.
        // This gives a nice speed boost because the CPU doesn't need to wait for the GPU to finish
        // before starting to encode the next frame.
        // Also note that we don't pass a command buffer here, because according to Apple:
        // "Rendering to a CIRenderDestination initialized with a commandBuffer requires encoding all
        // the commands to render an image into the specified buffer. This may impact system responsiveness
        // and may result in higher memory usage if the image requires many passes to render."
        let destination = CIRenderDestination(width: Int(drawableSize.width),
                                              height: Int(drawableSize.height),
                                              pixelFormat: view.colorPixelFormat,
                                              commandBuffer: nil,
                                              mtlTextureProvider: { () -> MTLTexture in
                                                  return currentDrawable.texture
        // render into the view's drawable
        let _ = try! self.ciContext.startTask(toRender: centeredImage, to: destination)

        // present the drawable


有一种比使用 CIRenderDestination 更简单的渲染到可绘制纹理中的方法,但如果您想获得高帧率(请参阅评论),建议使用这种方法。