如何从 R 在 Outlook 中发送延迟传递的电子邮件?

How to send emails with delayed delivery in Outlook from R?

使用 R 中的 RDCOMClient 包,我正在从 R 发送一系列自动电子邮件。电子邮件需要在特定日期和时间发送,但 我无法弄清楚 R 中的哪些元素outMail 反对操纵以延迟发送电子邮件



# table of emails, names and send times (stt)
test_emails = data.table( First.Name = c("Joe", "Brit", "Anton"), 
                       email = c("Joe@fakeemail.com", 
                                 "Anton@fakeemail.com" ), 
                       stt = structure(c(1602270000, 1603270000, 1602470000), 
                                       class = c("POSIXct", "POSIXt"), tzone = ""))

# access Outook
OutApp <- COMCreate("Outlook.Application")

# loop over table of names/emails
for(i in 1:test_emails[,.N]){
  #standard setup:
  outMail = OutApp$CreateItem(0)
  signature = outMail[["HTMLBody"]]

  outMail[["To"]] = test_emails[i, email]
  outMail[["subject"]] = "Subject line"
 # example body that prints the time and date of when the email is sent
  outMail[["HTMLBody"]] =
    paste0("<p>Hi ", test_emails[i, First.Name], ",</p>",
           "<p>As discussed please find attached the detailed test instructions (PDF) and data set (CSV file)",
           "You received this email at ", 
           gsub('^0', '', format(econ_test[i, stt], '%I:%M %p')), ' on ',
           format(econ_test[i, stt], '%A, %B %d'), "</p>",
           '<p>',  signature, '</p>')

  # sends right now. How to delay this?


我已尝试查看 MailModule 对象列表 here,但找不到任何可用的东西 - 而且我不确定如何检查上面创建的 outMail 对象(例如,str() 不适用于此类对象)。


*** 基于已接受答案的精确解 ***

# Convert the POSIXct integers to MS's time units
gmt_diff <- 4 # EDT

defer_time <-  as.numeric( as.Date( test_emails[i, stt]) ) + # convert to R's date values
               (as.numeric(test_emails[i, stt]) - gmt_diff*3600) %% 86400/ 86400 -  # convert the POSIXct time to fraction of a day
              as.numeric(as.Date("1899-12-30")) # adjust for differences in origin

# Update the DeferredDeliveryTime MailItem

outMail[['DeferredDeliveryTime']] = defer_time 

设置 MailItem.DeferredDeliveryTime 属性 - https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/office/vba/api/outlook.mailitem.deferreddeliverytime

您不需要 MailModule 对象。使用 OutlookSpy(我是其作者)查看实时 Outlook 对象 - 单击 OutlookSpy 功能区上的项目按钮。

因为 afaik Outlook 需要 运行(即在线和连接)才能实现延迟交付,因此您的计算机也已通电并且 运行 - 为什么不相应地为 R 脚本计时例如 taskscheduleR