Azure kubernetes - 具有会话管理的应用程序?

Azure kubernetes - Application with Session management?

我计划在 Azure kubernetes 上部署使用会话的 应用程序。如何确保传入请求进入创建会话的同一个 pod。

建议部署在 Kubernetes 上的应用设计遵循 The Twelve Factor App.

如果应用 无状态 并且 不与其他实例共享任何内容,一切都会变得更容易。参见 Twelve Factor App - Processes

Twelve-factor processes are stateless and share-nothing. Any data that needs to persist must be stored in a stateful backing service, typically a database.

Some web systems rely on “sticky sessions” – that is, caching user session data in memory of the app’s process and expecting future requests from the same visitor to be routed to the same process. Sticky sessions are a violation of twelve-factor and should never be used or relied upon. Session state data is a good candidate for a datastore that offers time-expiration, such as Memcached or Redis.


对于身份验证,我建议在 Authorization: Bearer <token> header 中使用带有 JWT 令牌的 OpenID Connect。参见例如Azure Active Directory B2C OpenID Connect 提供商示例。