
How to do Perl state machine (FSM) to parse bitstream (byte sequence)?

我目前正在使用 Perl 来解析来自 RS232 串行端口的传入命令序列。 我尝试使用状态机,它的预期行为是: (1) 从串口接收一系列字节; (2) 状态机以字节为输入,跳转到合适的状态。

我想出了一个简化的演示 Perl 代码(贴在下面),但是遇到了一个问题: 代码进入“while(1){}”时,卡在这里,出不来 因此,$din 字节序列分配被“while(1){}”阻塞,并且对状态机不可见。 因此,FSM 卡在“INIT”状态,根本不跳。

我认为这应该是 Perl 编码中的一个非常简单或入门级的练习, 但是搜索 Google 对我帮助不大。 谁能帮我这个? 提前致谢~

my %next_state = (
        "INIT" => sub{
                $din eq "AA" and return "HEADER0" ;
                return "INIT"                     ;
        "HEADER0" => sub{
                $din eq "99" and return "HEADER1" ;
                return "INIT"                     ;

# Set state machine's initial state.
my $cur_state = "INIT"   ;

# Integer for debugging purpose.
my $itgi = 0;

# Run the state machine.
        $cur_state = $next_state{$cur_state}();
        print "$itgi, will jump to: $cur_state\n\n";

# Send in input byte sequence, which simulates
# incoming bytes from RS-232 COM port:
$din = "AA"     ;
sleep(1)        ;

========== 2020.10.09 22:10更新==========

感谢@ikegami 的帮助和努力 调试工作,现在我可以得到我可爱的 ​​Perl 状态 启动机器并运行,代码如下。


输入字节序列(即@seq)必须是非0x00值; 如果我将 0x00 放入命令序列,则 FSM 遇到0x00.


这是为什么?该代码使用“$cur_byte >= 0”,这在我看来 应该能够像处理非零值一样处理 0x00。


use strict      ;
use warnings    ;

# input to the state machine
my $din ;

# FSM's state table.
# Expected input sequence is:
#   AA 99 00 01 ....
# In which:
#   (1) Fixed pattern "AA" and "99" are two bytes of header,
#   (2) Following bytes are uart ID, etc.
my %next_state = (
        "INIT" => sub{
                # If receives "AA" from input,
                # then jumpt to "HEADER0" state:
                $din eq "AA" and return "HEADER0" ; 
                # Otherwise just stay here:
                return "INIT"                     ; 
        "HEADER0" => sub{
                # If receives "99" from input,
                # then proceed to "HEADER1" state:
                $din eq "99" and return "HEADER1" ; 
                # Otherwise, return to initial state:
                return "INIT"                     ; 
        "HEADER1" => sub{
                # Capture first byte of uart ID:
                return "UARTID0";
        "UARTID0" => sub{
                # Capture second byte of uart ID:
                return "UARTID1";
        "UARTID1" => sub{
                # Capture second byte of uart ID:
                return "FINISHED";
        "FINISHED" => sub{
                return "INIT";

# Set state machine's initial state.
my $cur_state = "INIT"   ;

# Send in command sequence
my @seq = (-1, 0xAA, -1, 0x99, -1, 0x06, -1, 0x07,
           -1, 0x08, -1, 0x09, -1, 0x0a, -1, 0x0b,
           -1, 0x0c, -1, 0x0d

sub get_next_byte {
        while (@seq) { #(A)
                my $cur_byte = shift(@seq);
                return $cur_byte if $cur_byte >= 0;
        return (); #(B)

# Run the state machine.
# Integer for debugging purpose.
my $itgi = 0;

while( $din = get_next_byte() ){ #(C)
        $din = sprintf("%02X",$din);
        $cur_state = $next_state{$cur_state}();
        print "-- Iteration $itgi, will jump to: $cur_state\n";

print "-- Program finish.\n";

您无需更改就进入循环 $din。你需要像

# Run the state machine.
while ( my ($din) = get_next_byte() ) {
   $din = sprintf("%02X", $din);
   $cur_state = $next_state{$cur_state}();
   print "$itgi, will jump to: $cur_state\n\n";


my @seq = (-1, 0xAA, -1, 0x99);

sub get_next_byte {
   while (@seq) {
      my $next = shift(@seq);
      return $next if $next >= 0;

   return ();

感谢@zdim 和@ikegami 的帮助,终于把这个程序搞定了。我将post我的工作代码如下,以防有人有同样的问题。

以下代码受 zdim 启发:

use strict      ;
use warnings    ;

# input to the state machine
my $din ;

# FSM's state table.
# Expected input sequence is:
#   AA 99 00 01 ....
# In which:
#   "AA" and "99" are two bytes of header,
#   "00" and "01" are two bytes of uart ID.
my %next_state = (
        "INIT" => sub{
                # If receives "AA" from input,
                # then jumpt to "HEADER0" state:
                $din eq "AA" and return "HEADER0" ;
                # Otherwise just stay here:
                return "INIT"                     ;
        "HEADER0" => sub{
                # If receives "99" from input,
                # then proceed to "HEADER1" state:
                $din eq "99" and return "HEADER1" ;
                # Otherwise, return to initial state:
                return "INIT"                     ;
        "HEADER1" => sub{
                # Capture first byte of uart ID:
                return "UARTID0";
        "UARTID0" => sub{
                # Capture second byte of uart ID:
                return "UARTID1";
#        "UARTID1" => sub{
#                return "FINISHED";
#                },
        "FINISHED" => sub{
                return "INIT";

# Set state machine's initial state.
my $cur_state = "INIT"   ;

# Integer for debugging purpose.
my $itgi = 0;

# Run the state machine.
while($din = <>){
        chomp $din ;
        $cur_state = $next_state{$cur_state}();
        print "$itgi, will jump to: $cur_state\n\n";

# Send in input bytes:
$din = "AA"     ;
sleep(1)        ;
$din = "99"     ;
sleep(1)        ;

下面的 dode 灵感来自 ikegami,注意 ($din) 和不带括号的简单 $din 之间的区别:使用括号,我们得到 TRUE 或 FALSE 结果;没有括号,我们得到 @seq 的实际元素值,如果这个值是 0x00 那么 while 将变成 while(0) 并退出 .

use strict      ;
use warnings    ;

# input to the state machine
my $din ;

# FSM's state table.
# Expected input sequence is:
#   AA 99 00 01 ....
# In which:
#   (1) Fixed pattern "AA" and "99" are two bytes of header,
#   (2) Following bytes are uart ID, etc.
my %next_state = (
        "INIT" => sub{
                # If receives "AA" from input,
                # then jumpt to "HEADER0" state:
                $din eq "AA" and return "HEADER0" ; #(D)
                # Otherwise just stay here:
                return "INIT"                     ; 
        "HEADER0" => sub{
                # If receives "99" from input,
                # then proceed to "HEADER1" state:
                $din eq "99" and return "HEADER1" ; 
                # Otherwise, return to initial state:
                return "INIT"                     ; 
        "HEADER1" => sub{
                # Capture first byte of uart ID:
                return "UARTID0";
        "UARTID0" => sub{
                # Capture second byte of uart ID:
                return "UARTID1";
        "UARTID1" => sub{
                # Capture second byte of uart ID:
                return "FINISHED";
        "FINISHED" => sub{
                return "INIT";

# Set state machine's initial state.
my $cur_state = "INIT"   ;

# Send in command sequence
my @seq = (-1, 0xAA, -1, 0x99, -1, 0x00, -1, 0x00,
           -1, 0x00, -1, 0x00, -1, 0x0a, -1, 0x0b,
           -1, 0x0c, -1, 0x0d

sub get_next_byte {
        while (@seq) { #(A)
                my $cur_byte = shift(@seq);
                return $cur_byte if $cur_byte >= 0;
        return (); #(B)

# Run the state machine.
# Integer for debugging purpose.
my $itgi = 0;

##--while( my ($din) = get_next_byte() ){ #(C)
    while(    ($din) = get_next_byte() ){ #(C)
        $din = sprintf("%02X",$din);
        $cur_state = $next_state{$cur_state}();
        print "-- Iteration $itgi, will jump to: $cur_state\n";

print "-- Program finish.\n";