如何复制所有记录并在 Oracle DB 中的相同 table 中添加一些更改

How to copy all records and add some changes in the same table in OracleDB

我想将所有记录复制到同一个 table 并做一些更改。 有人告诉我好方法吗?

我试过了。但未结束错误发生。 我该如何修复它?

CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE "TestScheme".tmp_history FROM history;
UPDATE tmp_history set
birthday  =  ADD_MONTHS(birthday,-24),
TRD_SEQ = replace('Stack','poo','pee')
INSERT INTO history SELECT * FROM  "TestScheme".tmp_history

ORA-00933:“SQL 命令未正确结束” 00933.00000 - “SQL 命令未正确结束” *原因:

create table tmp_history as
  select * from history
  where card_no = 'XXXX3';

update tmp_history set
  birthday = add_months(birthday, -24),
  trd_seq = replace('Stack', 'poo', 'pee');

insert into history 
  select * from tmp_history;