如何动态创建 Ractive 的子组件并以编程方式更改它们

How to create Ractive's subcomponents dynamically and change them programmatically



Ractive.load( '/templates/global/example.html' ).then( function ( Example )
       ractive.components.example = new Example( { el : 'aside' } );

但是新的(子)组件在 mustache 中看不到它的父实例的数据,只能看到他自己的数据。


Ractive.components.dynamic = Ractive.extend({
    template: '<component/>',
    components: {
        component: function() {
            return this.get('name');
    oninit: function(){
        this.observe('name', function(){
        }, { init: false});


<dynamic name='{{name}}'/>


Ractive.components.a = Ractive.extend({ template: 'I am A {{foo}}' });
Ractive.components.b = Ractive.extend({ template: 'I am B {{foo}}' });
Ractive.components.c = Ractive.extend({ template: 'I am C {{foo}}' });

Ractive.components.dynamic = Ractive.extend({
    template: '<component/>',
    components: {
        component: function() {
            return this.get('name');
    oninit: function(){
        this.observe('name', function(){
        }, { init: false});

var r = new Ractive({
    el: document.body,
    template: '#template',
    data: {
        foo: 'foo',
        list: ['a', 'b', 'c'],
        name: 'a'
<script src="http://cdn.ractivejs.org/latest/ractive.js"></script>
<script id='template' type='text/ractive'>
    {{#each list}}
    <input type='radio' name='{{name}}' value='{{.}}'>{{.}}
    <dynamic name='{{name}}'/>

想不止一次对@martypdx 的回答投赞成票。受到他的回答的启发,我想出了一些我想分享的东西。它添加了以下内容:

  1. 创建一个组件类型的多个实例(Ractive.extend)

  2. 组件实例是活动的并且可以接收来自外部侦听器的消息,即使它们已被取消渲染。


// Inspired by 
var mapper = {
 'A': function(instanceId){
   var handleAData;
   return Ractive.extend({ 
     template: 'I am A this is my data: <ul>{{#datas}}<li>{{.}}</li>{{/datas}}</ul>',
        data: {
        onrender: function() {
         handleAData = function(txt){
           this.push('datas', txt);
         r.on(instanceId, handleAData);
        onunrender: function() {
         r.off(instanceId, handleAData);
  ,'B': function(instanceId){
   var handleBData;
   return Ractive.extend({ 
     template: 'I am B this is my data: <ul>{{#datas}}<li>{{.}}</li>{{/datas}}</ul>',
        data: {
        onrender: function() {
         handleBData = function(txt){
           this.push('datas', txt);
         r.on(instanceId, handleBData);
        onunrender: function() {
         r.off(instanceId, handleBData);
  ,'C': function(instanceId){
   var handleCData;
   return Ractive.extend({ 
     template: 'I am C this is my data: <ul>{{#datas}}<li>{{.}}</li>{{/datas}}</ul>',
        data: {
        onrender: function() {
         handleCData = function(txt){
           this.push('datas', txt);
         r.on(instanceId, handleCData);
        onunrender: function() {
         r.off(instanceId, handleCData);
  ,'D': function(instanceId){
   var handleDData;
   return Ractive.extend({ 
     template: 'I am D this is my data: <ul>{{#datas}}<li>{{.}}</li>{{/datas}}</ul>',
        data: {
        onrender: function() {
         handleDData = function(txt){
           this.push('datas', txt);
         r.on(instanceId, handleDData);
        onunrender: function() {
         r.off(instanceId, handleDData);

/* arbitrarily select a component */
function pickRandomComponent() {
 return String.fromCharCode(Math.floor(Math.random() * Object.keys(mapper).length) + 65);

var DynamicComponent = Ractive.extend({
    template: '<component/>',
    components: {
        component: function() {
            return this.get('name');
    oninit: function(){
        this.observe('name', function(){
        }, { init: false});

var r = new Ractive({
    el: 'main',
    template: '#template',
    components: {
     dummy: Ractive.extend({ template: 'Welcome message' }),
     dynamic: DynamicComponent
    data: {
        foo: 'foo',
        list: ['dummy'],
        name: 'dummy',
        textdata: ''
    oninit: function() {
     this.on("sendDataToCurrentComponent", function() {
       r.fire(this.get('name'), this.get('textdata'))
     this.on('addComponent', function(){
       var rndComponent = pickRandomComponent();
        var now = Date.now();
        var componentInstanceName = rndComponent + '-' + now
       this.components[componentInstanceName] = mapper[rndComponent](componentInstanceName)
       this.push('list', componentInstanceName);
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/ractive/0.7.3/ractive.min.js"></script>
<script id='template' type='text/ractive'>
    <button on-click="addComponent">Add</button>
     <input type="text" value="{{textdata}}" placeholder="Send Text to current component" width="900" on-blur="sendDataToCurrentComponent"/>
    {{#each list}}
    <input type='radio' name='{{name}}' value='{{.}}'>{{.}}
    <dynamic name='{{name}}'/>