Should I use a change handler to populate an array of items from an array of item types?
我正在创建一个包含 Javascript 部件数组的表单。用户将从下拉菜单中 select 一个部件类型,然后从下一个下拉菜单中 select 该部件类型中的一个项目。我相信我的零件类型中的更改处理程序是可行的方法,但无法单独在我的 .js 文件中找到使用它的示例。这是我目前所拥有的:
//Creates List of Part Types
function populateTypeList() {
let typeSelectList = document.getElementById("partTypes");
for (const item of types) {
let el = document.createElement("option");
el.value = item;
el.textContent = item;
//Creates Parts List when user selects Part Type
function populateSelectList() {
let partsSelectList = document.getElementById("autoParts");
for (const part of partArray) {
let el = document.createElement("option");
if (part.description.length > 30) {
el.textContent = part.description.substring(0, 30) + " ...";
else {
el.textContent = part.description;
el.value = part;
第一步是获取整个 partArray
并使用 Set
创建类型列表。 Set
const types = [...new Set(
partArray.map(({ type }) => type)
。所以结果将是 ['AIR CONDITIONING', 'BODY', 'BRAKES', ...etc]
。该结果被放入 Set
中,这使得删除所有重复项。然后 ...
扩展运算符用于将 Set
现在您需要一种从 partsArray
中获取正确部件的方法。创建一个函数来过滤 partsArray
数组和 returns 具有该特定类型的新零件数组。 filter
const getPartsByType = filterType => partsArray
.filter(({ type }) => type === filterType);
我还添加了一种方法 select 从部分 <select>
const parts = [{
"id": 20,
"status": "Active",
"category": "",
"subcategory": "",
"item": "Orifice Tube",
"description": "Orifice Tube",
"descriptionfull": "Orifice Tube 38623",
"qoh": 18,
"cost": 1.32,
"price": 11.06
"id": 62,
"status": "Active",
"type": "BODY",
"category": "PANELS",
"subcategory": "",
"item": "Hood, Bare",
"description": "Hood, Bare",
"descriptionfull": "Hood, Bare",
"qoh": 1,
"cost": 609.15,
"price": "1,228.29"
"id": 159,
"status": "Active",
"type": "BRAKES",
"category": "REAR",
"subcategory": "Rear Brake Kit",
"item": "Split Pin",
"description": "Split pin for Rear Brake Kit, requires 2",
"descriptionfull": "Split pin for the Rear Brake Kit, requires 2",
"qoh": -2,
"cost": 0.12,
"price": 0.23
const typeSelect = document.getElementById('type');
const partSelect = document.getElementById('part');
const partOutput = document.getElementById('selected-part');
* Loop over the parts array and create a new
* array that only contains unique types.
const types = [...new Set(parts
.map(({ type }) => type)
* Function to get parts based on a type.
* Returns an array with part objects.
const getPartsByType = filterType => parts
.filter(({ type }) => type === filterType);
* Function to get a single part based on
* the item.
const getPartByItem = filterItem => parts
.find(({ item }) => item === filterItem);
* Take the first type from the types array and
* gets all the items that have that type.
const initialParts = getPartsByType(types[0])
* Takes in description string and cuts the string down
* to max 30 characters and adds an ellipsis if necessary.
const truncate = (description, limit = 30) =>
typeof description === 'string' && description.length > limit ?
description.substring(0, limit) + '...' :
* Create option function.
* Has options for setting a selected and / or disabled element.
* A disabled and selected element makes a nice prefilled option.
const createOption = (label, value, selected = false, disabled = false) => {
const option = document.createElement('option');
option.value = value;
option.textContent = label;
option.selected = selected;
option.disabled = disabled;
return option;
* Removes all options from a select element.
const removeOptions = ({ options }) => {
for (let i = options.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
* Populate types.
const popuplateTypes = types => {
for (const type of types) {
const label = type.toLowerCase();
const option = createOption(label, type);
* Populate parts and remove previous parts.
const populateParts = parts => {
const defaultOption = createOption('Choose part', '', true, true);
for (const { item, description } of parts) {
const label = truncate(description); // Description limited to 30 characters
const option = createOption(label, item);
// Listen for a change of type, then update the choices
// of the parts list based on that choice.
typeSelect.addEventListener('change', ({ target }) => {
const { value } = target;
// Get the parts based on the selected option value.
const selectedParts = getPartsByType(value);
// Populate parts select with new parts.
// Clears the output element's content.
partOutput.innerHTML = ''
// Listens for a change of item, then gets that single item
// from the parts array and outputs it as JSON.
partSelect.addEventListener('change', ({ target }) => {
const { value } = target;
// Get a single part based on the value.
const part = getPartByItem(value);
// Outputting the part as JSON in a <pre> tag will make it readable.
// The <code> tag is to let the browser know it's code :).
partOutput.innerHTML = `
<pre><code>${JSON.stringify(part, null, 2)}</code></pre>
// Instantly populate the types and parts.
// The parts list will be based on the first available type
// in the types array.
select {
display: block;
text-transform: capitalize;
width: 100%;
padding: 0.25rem;
margin: 0 0 1rem;
#selected-part {
display: block;
border: 1px solid rgba(118, 118, 118);
border-radius: 0.25em;
min-height: 5rem;
width: 100%;
pre {
padding: 0 1em;
<label for="type">Type</label>
<select id="type" name="type"></select>
<label for="part">Part</label>
<select id="part" name="part"></select>
<label for="output">Chosen Part</label>
<output id="selected-part"></output>
我正在创建一个包含 Javascript 部件数组的表单。用户将从下拉菜单中 select 一个部件类型,然后从下一个下拉菜单中 select 该部件类型中的一个项目。我相信我的零件类型中的更改处理程序是可行的方法,但无法单独在我的 .js 文件中找到使用它的示例。这是我目前所拥有的:
//Creates List of Part Types
function populateTypeList() {
let typeSelectList = document.getElementById("partTypes");
for (const item of types) {
let el = document.createElement("option");
el.value = item;
el.textContent = item;
//Creates Parts List when user selects Part Type
function populateSelectList() {
let partsSelectList = document.getElementById("autoParts");
for (const part of partArray) {
let el = document.createElement("option");
if (part.description.length > 30) {
el.textContent = part.description.substring(0, 30) + " ...";
else {
el.textContent = part.description;
el.value = part;
第一步是获取整个 partArray
并使用 Set
创建类型列表。 Set
const types = [...new Set(
partArray.map(({ type }) => type)
。所以结果将是 ['AIR CONDITIONING', 'BODY', 'BRAKES', ...etc]
。该结果被放入 Set
中,这使得删除所有重复项。然后 ...
扩展运算符用于将 Set
现在您需要一种从 partsArray
中获取正确部件的方法。创建一个函数来过滤 partsArray
数组和 returns 具有该特定类型的新零件数组。 filter
const getPartsByType = filterType => partsArray
.filter(({ type }) => type === filterType);
我还添加了一种方法 select 从部分 <select>
const parts = [{
"id": 20,
"status": "Active",
"category": "",
"subcategory": "",
"item": "Orifice Tube",
"description": "Orifice Tube",
"descriptionfull": "Orifice Tube 38623",
"qoh": 18,
"cost": 1.32,
"price": 11.06
"id": 62,
"status": "Active",
"type": "BODY",
"category": "PANELS",
"subcategory": "",
"item": "Hood, Bare",
"description": "Hood, Bare",
"descriptionfull": "Hood, Bare",
"qoh": 1,
"cost": 609.15,
"price": "1,228.29"
"id": 159,
"status": "Active",
"type": "BRAKES",
"category": "REAR",
"subcategory": "Rear Brake Kit",
"item": "Split Pin",
"description": "Split pin for Rear Brake Kit, requires 2",
"descriptionfull": "Split pin for the Rear Brake Kit, requires 2",
"qoh": -2,
"cost": 0.12,
"price": 0.23
const typeSelect = document.getElementById('type');
const partSelect = document.getElementById('part');
const partOutput = document.getElementById('selected-part');
* Loop over the parts array and create a new
* array that only contains unique types.
const types = [...new Set(parts
.map(({ type }) => type)
* Function to get parts based on a type.
* Returns an array with part objects.
const getPartsByType = filterType => parts
.filter(({ type }) => type === filterType);
* Function to get a single part based on
* the item.
const getPartByItem = filterItem => parts
.find(({ item }) => item === filterItem);
* Take the first type from the types array and
* gets all the items that have that type.
const initialParts = getPartsByType(types[0])
* Takes in description string and cuts the string down
* to max 30 characters and adds an ellipsis if necessary.
const truncate = (description, limit = 30) =>
typeof description === 'string' && description.length > limit ?
description.substring(0, limit) + '...' :
* Create option function.
* Has options for setting a selected and / or disabled element.
* A disabled and selected element makes a nice prefilled option.
const createOption = (label, value, selected = false, disabled = false) => {
const option = document.createElement('option');
option.value = value;
option.textContent = label;
option.selected = selected;
option.disabled = disabled;
return option;
* Removes all options from a select element.
const removeOptions = ({ options }) => {
for (let i = options.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
* Populate types.
const popuplateTypes = types => {
for (const type of types) {
const label = type.toLowerCase();
const option = createOption(label, type);
* Populate parts and remove previous parts.
const populateParts = parts => {
const defaultOption = createOption('Choose part', '', true, true);
for (const { item, description } of parts) {
const label = truncate(description); // Description limited to 30 characters
const option = createOption(label, item);
// Listen for a change of type, then update the choices
// of the parts list based on that choice.
typeSelect.addEventListener('change', ({ target }) => {
const { value } = target;
// Get the parts based on the selected option value.
const selectedParts = getPartsByType(value);
// Populate parts select with new parts.
// Clears the output element's content.
partOutput.innerHTML = ''
// Listens for a change of item, then gets that single item
// from the parts array and outputs it as JSON.
partSelect.addEventListener('change', ({ target }) => {
const { value } = target;
// Get a single part based on the value.
const part = getPartByItem(value);
// Outputting the part as JSON in a <pre> tag will make it readable.
// The <code> tag is to let the browser know it's code :).
partOutput.innerHTML = `
<pre><code>${JSON.stringify(part, null, 2)}</code></pre>
// Instantly populate the types and parts.
// The parts list will be based on the first available type
// in the types array.
select {
display: block;
text-transform: capitalize;
width: 100%;
padding: 0.25rem;
margin: 0 0 1rem;
#selected-part {
display: block;
border: 1px solid rgba(118, 118, 118);
border-radius: 0.25em;
min-height: 5rem;
width: 100%;
pre {
padding: 0 1em;
<label for="type">Type</label>
<select id="type" name="type"></select>
<label for="part">Part</label>
<select id="part" name="part"></select>
<label for="output">Chosen Part</label>
<output id="selected-part"></output>